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Robert Reich, Beyond Outrage

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

If you’re a student at UC Berkeley, chances are you’ve probably heard of Robert Reich. Robert Reich is the current chancellor professor at the Goldman School of Public Policy and teaches one of the most popular classes here at Cal, Public Policy 103: Wealth and Poverty.  Every spring semester on Friday, students and local Berkeley residents will sit in on Robert Reich’s lectures to hear his take on our current economy and how to fix the wealth and income gap in the United States.  Robert Reich has also served as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton and in 2008, Time Magazine named him one of the ten most successful cabinet secretaries of the century.

Reich has written thirteen books and has just released his most recent e-book, Beyond Outrage that addresses what has gone wrong with our economy and our democracy, and how to fix it. You can learn more about his book on his blog. He also recently held an AMA on Reddit, did an interview on the Daily Show, and has been on Conan. 

photo source: http://robertreich.org/

Elizabeth is a senior majoring in American Studies with a concentration in consumer behavior at the University of California, Berkeley. You'll find her at the pool swimming with the Cal club water polo team or running through campus training for the next half marathon. In addition to an active lifestyle, Elizabeth loves to keep up to date with the latest tech trends and is always looking for a new recipe to try out! Elizabeth hopes to pursue a career in public relations and marketing after graduation.