Hello Bears! There’s roughly just a month and a half left of instruction, then it’s dead week! Some believe that studying day and night during dead week would make up for being lazy during the semester. For some, that may work, but for many, it doesn’t. It’s important to not rely on dead week as a grade saver. Sure, it could improve your grade, but don’t expect miracles to just happen. You should be finishing your last midterms. The key is to study now until the end of your last final EFFICIENTLY! Ask questions now. Start attending or continue to attend lectures! Make study groups, go to office hours, and go over your notes. There’s adequate time left, but the best time to study is NOW.
Something just as important besides studying is self-care! Health comes first. You won’t be able to do well on your exams if you pull all-nighters the week before the exam. Make sure to RELAX because you don’t want to build up more stress than you already have. You are still allowed to have fun in moderation! With good company, you can eat dinner, go to a movie, or evn exercise. Stress can make your immune system weak so sleeping well and exercising can definitely help. I have had the flu for the past three semesters right before finals time and it was not a fun experience!