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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

Romeo and Juliet is one of today’s most well-known love stories. A tragic story about two star-crossed lovers – Romeo and Juliet – who fall in love with each other at first sight at the Capulet ball.  The story’s been told over the years in all different forms of media like books, films, and T.V. This play has been adapted all over the world to different audiences. Romeo and Juliet’s story has an emotional impact on society; it’s a forbidden love story between two young teens who go through the trials of love and heartbreak. The themes of love, the struggle of dealing with a parent, and the consequences are deemed relatable to audiences. 

Romeo and Juliet is a well-written play known for its strong and poetic language. It has adapted well into our modern society. However, despite our glaring understanding of misogyny and the objectification of women, Romeo and Juliet is still viewed as the love story of the ages. It’s important to acknowledge that this story sends a message that sets unrealistic expectations for women when it comes to who they should be and what they should want in relationships. 

In the era when Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, women were seen as inferior to men. They were subjected to gender roles with little to no rights. Women couldn’t vote during this time; they couldn’t take care of themselves and had to rely on the men in their lives whether that be their fathers or husbands. The only thing women took charge of was raising children. They didn’t get to have any other careers and were left to take care of their families, while the men got to work in higher ranked positions like government, merchants, and business.

Mercutio is speaking of Queen Mab, “the fairies midwife,” who’s known for visiting the dreams of men and controlling their dreams. While what he said wasn’t derogatory, he’s painting an image of her in a sexual light, whether or not she’s real.

While Mercutio was a character who used his humor as a way to objectify women, I don’t believe he was a character who was all-around misogynistic. Acknowledging that the era they lived in, the way they joked about women was a norm. However, I do believe that the Capulet was not only misogynistic, but also spoke in a way that threatened violence towards Juliet and spoke ill towards her. Capulet wanted to force Juliet to marry Paris without giving her the option. Capulet’s belief that he has the authority over Juliet’s future can be interpreted as misogynistic. 

If this play was written in today’s time, it’d rightfully be questioned for its treatment towards the female characters. Romeo and Juliet is still read today, but reading it in its entirety and not questioning some of the actions of the characters would be an offense. When we know much about feminism, sexism, and what it looks like today, it would be wrong to still hold this work of art as valuable.

Alana Williams

UC Berkeley '24

Hello, my name is Alana! I am a junior at Berkeley studying English and Theater Arts. What I usually do in my free time is reading books, watch reality t.v , and acting.