Spring Break only lasts a week. One precious week of pure fun with friends until Spring Quarter begins again. But where to? The typical Cancun, or Vegas? It can become a snooze fest pretty quickly, since Cancun or Vegas are habitual trips for some UCI students. Whether you hope to save some money, or want to go somewhere you’ve never been before, changing up your plans for Spring Break will allow you to explore some exciting new places!
If you’re destined to stay in Irvine for the break, it doesn’t have to be a boring week.
Driving 18 minutes away from UC Irvine, expect the unexpected. Located in Downtown Santa Ana, The Gypsy Den provides a great place to grab lunch with friends or enjoy an intimate dinner date with the boyfriend. Its intricate designs of artwork and rugs surrounding the cozy café definitely make it a gem in the OC. On Thursday nights The Gypsy Den turns into a half venue; people are highly encouraged to bring their poetry to read, or tunes they would like to entertain the crowd with. Meeting people of all backgrounds with an interest in enjoying local talent, eating delicious food, and just relaxing makes The Gypsy Den one of the most underrated hangout places in Orange County.
On certain nights, artists showcase their inspiring paintings and photography in free art galleries. There’s also handmade jewelry and vintage assortments for sale. You never know what you’ll find amidst the many tiny shops surrounding The Gypsy Den.
If you’re feeling a little more ambitious and want to travel to another country, why not explore Montreal, Canada? Montreal is the second largest city in Canada, and has the same feel as New York City without the steep price-tag (especially traveling from Irvine!)
Heavily influenced by the French culture, Montreal is compacted with French speakers, which will make you feel like you are taking a stroll down a street in Paris. There are countless urban stores and chic vintage boutiques that balance with the heavenly street markets and stylish cafes and bars. It’s a place that you can enjoy just as much as a week in New York City; its unique architecture and French-infused culture make Montreal a perfect destination for Spring Break.
If you want to take a break from the bustle of Montreal, drive about 3 hours northeast and you arrive at
Quebec City. This precious little city presents a more historical take on your trip, where you will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Eastern Canada, and take a stroll down the gulf. The architecture and landscaping of Quebec make it seem like you’re traveling in a small town in Europe, but you’re closer to home than you think.
Whether you want to enjoy a relaxing day close to home, or hope to acquire some new experiences in another country, make the most of your spring break by switching up the same old routine. You’ll find yourself creating priceless memories with friends, while learning more about the world around you. I dare you to take the challenge, collegiettes!