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Essentials for a Beginner’s Skincare Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Whether you particularly care about the appearance of your skin or not, skin-care is important for loads of reasons. It can protect you against harsh weather and sunlight, or can prevent skin damage or cancer. A proper skin care routine is a great step towards self-care, and can also be a calming and relaxing experience for some people.

Now, I’m not a dermatologist, so I can’t predict which products are necessary or unnecessary for your face, and this list could definitely be more or less than what you may need for your skin care routine. Nevertheless, there are a few key items for anyone interested in beginning their skincare routine. 


  1. Cleanser: You may think that since you didn’t go outside while sleeping, cleanser may be unnecessary in the morning. However, there is sweat that can accumulate in your skin the night before, and before starting your skincare routine, you’d also want to rid your face of any oils from last night’s skincare products and creams! Cleanser makes sure your face is primed before going forward with the rest of your routine. 
  2. Toner: Similar to cleanser, toner also gets rid of grime and impurities on your face every morning. It also rids the face of sweat and oils that may have accumulated while you were sleeping. It specifically aims towards helping minimize your pores, and for me, I find that it’s very helpful to use whenever you’re experiencing a breakout!
  3. Serum: The uses of serum can differ depending on the type of skin you have and what you may require most of your skincare routine. For example, serum may work to brighten your skin, hydrate it, or provide collagen to avoid signs of aging! There’s many different type of serum brands and purposes, but it’s essential to provide your skin the nutrients it needs before you start the day!
  4. Moisturizer: For me, I actually put moisturizer for my nighttime skincare routine instead of morning, just because my skin is oilier, but if you have normal or dry skin, then moisturizer is an essential! Again, the list provides common steps for starting a skincare routine, but these products may not apply to everyone! The thicker the moisturizer is, the more likely it is to lock in moisture for your skin and also seal products in, which is why it’s usually one of the final steps in an ideal routine. 
  5. Sunscreen: Sunscreen is very, very vital whether you follow a skincare routine or not. If you’re ever too lazy to go through with the procedure for a day, then at least remember your sunscreen. Whether the day is sunny or cloudy, hot or cold, sunscreen is vital not only for preventing wrinkles and dark spots over time, but protects your face from UV rays that could lead to much harsher skin damage in the future.
  6. Makeup: Not necessarily a real step in your skincare routine, but obviously, if you plan on wearing make-up for the day, it should last after everything else! If you really do care about making a commitment to taking care of your skin, you can consider looking for a foundation or primer that has SPF for further protection!


  1. Makeup Remover: You can skip this step if you’re not a makeup wearer, but if you’re a person who wears makeup on a daily or common basis, then makeup remover is an obvious must for you! Not only does makeup clog your pores, it makes you prone to acne breakouts! Yikes! That’s why it’s important to invest in some makeup remover to ensure this does not happen. For the most part, most makeup removers are inexpensive and effective in taking out any leftover makeup from your skin.
  2. Cleanser: If you’re someone that’s concerned about remembering every step in your skincare routine, then you may be pleased to know that a lot of what you use in the morning also is what you use at night! Starting with cleanser, it’s important to ue it before you go to bed and put on moisturizer to ensure that grime, sweat, dirt, and other impurities throughout your day are washed off. Cleanser specifically targets the places that a quick sink face rinse won’t!
  3. Toner: Again, we see another repeat of your morning routine with toner! Similar to morning’s use, toner gets rid of the face’s sweat, dirt, grime, and other unneeded things within your pores gathered throughout the day. Even better, the pore-minimizing effects will have time to work their magic on your face as you sleep throughout the night. 
  4. Serum: Similar to your morning routine, whichever serum you decide to use on your skin should have an aim towards brightening, cleansing, or hydrating your skin so it can be locked in throughout the night as you’re sleeping.
  5. Moisturizing Cream: For the same reasons as you should use moisturizer in your morning routine, it’s important that this is a step you include before bed to ensure that your other skincare products are sealed in throughout the night!

 One of the fun parts of beginning your skin care routine is experimenting with new products and brands to figure out which benefits you best. Of course, remember to check ingredients of whatever products you choose in case of allergies and skin sensitivity, and be wary of brands and their effectiveness on your skin!

Personally, I don’t use every single item on these lists, just because I personally have oily skin and using too many products actually makes me break out! Yikes! An essential skincare routine differs for everyone, but if you’re looking for the primary ingredients to get yourself started, then you can always get yourself started on here!

Kayla Hoang

UC Irvine '25

is probably drinking more green tea than recommended.