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Stress Relief Tips From Your Fellow Collegiette

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.


Stress creeps up on us at the most unfortunate times. Especially at this time of the year, the stress of graduation coming up, the stress of finals, the stress of finding a summer job or looking for housing for next year… all of these events just add up and suddenly it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. It’s moments like these where it sounds like you need a little stress relief. When you don’t exactly have easy access to jump on a plane for an island getaway, there are certainly other ways for you to break away from stress.

1. Unplug… literally.

Warning—if the thought of not being able to check your phone for a full hour is terrifying, please skip this paragraph.

This is a big ultimatum for de-stressing. Living in a world that’s constantly being surrounded by digital technology, sometimes the best way to de-stress is to completely remove yourself from the culprit itself. Save an hour of the day and unplug any electronics you have—your cell phone, your computer, and your TV. If you can remove yourself from commenting on Facebook statuses, watching endless episodes of How I Met Your Mother on Netflix, and reblogging posts on Tumblr, you can make it easier to properly find peace and relaxation. Not sure what to do in that hour? Take a Nap! Exercise! Organize the increasing clutter that’s on your desk! There are endless possibilities you can do with your time.


2. Bubble Bath or Jacuzzi

Jump into the jacuzzi for a bit. With the massaging bubbles and warm water, jacuzzis are a quick way to find your moment of peace. Only trick is to jump in when it’s nice and quiet, not when there are loads of people in the pool (otherwise it will ruin the calming experience for you).

As for bubble baths, unfortunately, this can only apply to those who have access to a bathtub. So for all you college ladies living in the dorms—you can enhance your shower experience by dimming the lights, mixing in some nice smelling lavender soap, and taking a couple extra minutes in the shower to simply reflect and clear your mind. Now, for those who are given the privilege of a lovely bath and shower: get some candles, fill your tub up with warm water and soapy bubbles, and then soak yourself in the bath for a bit! Grab a book to read or close your eyes and let yourself relax.

For a step-by-step tutorial on a proper relaxing night, I’ve included a video from British Youtube star, Zoella, who gives an in-depth description of a fantastic way to de-stress:


3. A Daydreamers Walk

When it’s a gorgeous day out, taking a walk and breathing in the fresh air is another fantastic way for you to escape some of that stress you’re carrying with you. If you live by the beach, definitely utilize it to your advantage. Take a nice long walk, soak up the sun, the natural soothing sound of the oceanic waves, and imagine yourself walking along the coast of an island. Using your imagination to visually transport yourself to another location while on a walk is a great way to enact your five senses and make you believe for a minute that you’re actually on an island getaway. This is a great way to escape for a little while and doesn’t require a plane ticket to get home.



4. Write it Down

Sometimes the best way of getting rid of stress is to write it down (or for the more tech-savvy girls, blog it)! You don’t have to write cohesive sentences, or worry about grammar—just get your thoughts out. Writing out your feelings is an easy and artistic way for you to slowly get rid of anything that’s been cluttering your mind. For those choosing to blog your feelings: instead of publishing the post, try saving it as a draft first, that way you can still get out everything you want to say, but still keep it private. Give yourself a few days before publishing it. While you’re writing, make yourself a cup of tea to help ease your mind. At the end of the day, a cup of tea can always help solve anything.

Lastly, I’ve included some quick and small stress relievers:


If you don’t want to write about your feelings, talk about it! If you’ve got something on your mind, a great way of releasing some of that is to talk about it with a friend. Your friends are there for you and are willing to offer you advice on anything. You’ll be in good company, and you’ll be receiving some feedback as well.


No joke, laughing is literally a way to get rid of some stress. Scientifically, laughter can actually reduce physical effects of stress like fatigue. Plus it also automatically puts you in a good mood and in a happier state of mind! So when it comes to returning back to the realities of your life, you’ll be more open to tackling that stress with some positivity.


Exercising boosts your endorphins and gives you a bit of energy and motivation to accomplish goals afterwards. It doesn’t mean you have to do a full boot camp workout—go for a quick run or take a yoga class! As long as you get your body moving for a bit, it is a quick way to de-stress.

Listen to Some Feel Good Music

Everyone has his or her own distinct taste in music, so make a playlist of songs that you think will help remove some of that unwanted stress in your life. I recommend a playlist that starts out with a few songs that match your mood (whether it’s frustration or anger) and then slowly transitions into music that initially makes you happier and relaxed. Listening to your favorite kind of music can help melt away all that built up anxiety.


Don’t forget, we’re almost done with the quarter! So take a deep breath, tell yourself how lucky you are, and then face the end of the quarter with a positive attitude!

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/17/reduce-stress-research_n_2884876.html

Lexi is enjoying her fourth and final year at the University of California, Irvine working towards a BFA in Dance and Performance, and a minor in Literary Journalism. Follow her thoughts on twitter/instagram/blogger: @LexiFriday 