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DVF\'s Own It: The Secret to Life book
DVF\'s Own It: The Secret to Life book

Three Different Personality Alignments and What They Mean

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Personality tests have always been a craze and can make a good icebreaker when meeting new people. With so many different personality tests and types out there, I thought it would be good to talk about what I consider the more popular ones, or at least the ones I have seen mentioned the most on social media. 

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Now with just the acronym, this may be indistinguishable, however, saying “INFP” or “ENTJ” may bring up some familiarity. This is actually a test with some psychological history where it analyzes interaction and development in a more long-term manner. The concept of personality theory was explored by Katharine and Isabel Myers in the mid-20th century and it eventually developed into an assessment to help people understand and better themselves, especially after the tragic World Wars. The MBTI Instrument is still researched to this day under The Myers-Briggs Company, with many online resources available to those interested. When getting a result like “ISFJ”, it may be a bit confusing to decipher, but each letter in the acronym is attributed to a specific personality trait. For example, the first letter is focused on worldly interaction, with E standing for Extraversion and I standing for Introversion. Alongside an initial assessment, there seem to be many goal-building guides and overall tools for living life catered to certain personality types that may help those feeling a bit lost. Otherwise, it is a fun way of focusing on yourself and your needs. 

The Enneagram 

I would consider Enneagram types to be less common than Myers-Briggs but currently, I have seen a surge of people bringing it up in conversation. Unlike letters, this alignment focuses on numbers, but its intent is mostly similar. There are a total of nine personality types, each one associated with a certain core trait. Not only is it a tool to understand your relationship with the world, but it is a way to understand how you deal with complex emotions, such as stress or anger. There are three main types: heart types, head types, and body types. Heart types depend on their emotions, head types depend on logic, and body types depend on instinct. The Enneagram model is a circle surrounded by numbers one to nine, with connecting lines making two triangles. Each connected number represents the development of certain core beliefs throughout a person’s lifetime. The history of the Enneagram is difficult to track, as apparently, it has existed since ancient times. It was popularized in the 1930s by enthusiastic spiritualists and it has been known ever since. 


This one may not be well known at all, but it is a personal favorite of mine. The Four Temperaments is considered one of the oldest personality theories to exist, known especially to help Greek and Arabic medics treat their patients in ancient times. It is rooted in humorist, a medical idea where certain human bodies carry different kinds of fluids, each associated with a personality type. The Four Temperaments are Sanguine (blood), Phlegmatic (phlegm), Choleric (yellow bile), and Melancholic (black bile). Although this theory is outdated and most psychologists reject it altogether, I personally enjoy exploring these types since it is rooted so much in history. The Sanguine personality is usually rooted in optimism and risk, the Phlegmatic personality is associated with peace and loyalty, the Choleric personality is associated with reason and practicality and the Melancholic personality enjoys structure and routine. 

It is never a bad idea to try to find ways to understand who you are, especially when you are figuring out your future plans or goals. If that does not interest you, then it is definitely a way to pass the time when you are bored. Either way, all of these tests are accessible online so if you have the time, do not hesitate to take them and explore your inner self. 

Ellie Tachibana

UC Irvine '24

3rd Year English Major that likes to read, draw, and analyze animated media.