In college, you’ll find many different types of people; the athletics, the teacher’s pet, the quiet ones, the Greek or org people, but most importantly those that figure out how to do it all. It’s almost like high school but everyone has expanded their personalities and stereotypes.
In the last three years, I’ve gone from the quiet girl to a Greek girl to mastering how to do it all. I work full time, attend ~most~ of my classes as well as keeping up with a pretty great social life… if I do say so myself.
When my family moved halfway across the country last January, right after Christmas more than a year ago, it was kind of a shock on just how alone I was. Life becomes a lot more stressful when your mom isn’t 20 minutes away, ready with a hug. I work late and overnight, I’m usually on campus for more than a few hours, and of course, I have to find time for my friends so I don’t just disappear into an exhausted little oblivion. I’ve found that most of the time, I’ll lean toward one over the others, school vs money or friends/ money vs friends/studying.
When I couldn’t find a good balance, myself and everyone around me was miserable. I’ll admit, sometimes I could be mean and I regret it. But I’ve found that if you can take a few minutes a day to wash your face, put some makeup on, make some yummy food, or do something to just put your mind at ease, you tend to be less stressed, more energized and insanely happier with life itself.
If there’s anything that can be learned from the three years I’ve struggled, money comes and goes but happiness or depression stay in your heart longer. Take the time to breathe and put your experiences over school or money because they’re temporary. Find your happy balance!☺