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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

About two months ago, I got a side job with Greek House, a custom apparel company that was completely virtual and allows me to interact with different people from my college campus. Initially, I was really scared since I hadn’t necessarily been the most social since I had switched to being with classes online. I tend to just interact with my close college friends, and then just friends from home, but I have not necessarily reached out to anyone new. Yet I have been able to do things I wouldn’t have imagined be possible if I hadn’t started working with them.

I begin my day by brushing my teeth and then making myself a bowl of cereal with strawberries and milk. I then hop onto my computer for about three hours while I attend my college classes. Sometimes during class, if there isn’t much going on, I’ll check my email and see if I have anything popping up. Many times there will be new messages about discounts that Greek House is offering for a special holiday, for example with St. Patrick’s Day we had a 17% discount. Otherwise, at the beginning of the month, they send out emails to notify us about the month’s promotion and so I’ll see that.

a cluster of shamrocks
If I don’t see notifications in my email, I check slack since that is the app we use to communicate effectively as a team. I check the different sections of slack where people post to make sure I’m not missing out on anything. Apart from that, this is where I learn about new things coming up, or certain items we might not have in stock. After doing this, I’ll go to my meeting with my manager which is typically held once a month. My manager focuses on mentoring me and helping me feel more comfortable talking about Greek House to my peers, and well as knowing how to communicate efficiently with a college student. Many times he just focuses on preparing me for new things coming up or getting me to reach out to different people on campus.

Woman with chin-length hair and a black turtleneck sits on a couch with her laptop and papers.
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels
After my meeting with him, I’ll usually go onto my computer and figure out what it is that needs to be done this week while connecting and reaching out to people. I create a to-do list of the people I need to reach out to as well as why I will be reaching out to them and knowing who this person is. One important thing that I focus on is reaching the key decision-maker. This is necessary so that everything runs smoothly, and I don’t have to wait for approvals later on.

After that, I will tend to reach out to those people. If it is my first time reaching out to them, I don’t just randomly give them facts and information on Greek House, but rather just get to know them. Once we’ve gotten to know each other a little better, I mention Greek House and what we offer and how they can definitely reach out to us for apparel. If it’s my second or third time reaching out, I might either be asking if they want to work with us or ask them about their order and how everything is going.

Apple store in the city
Photo by Thom Bradley from Unsplash
Then I’ll just go on social media and try to create some good content to post on the Greek house account for my campus. Typically I’ll go to canva and create a cool post from pictures that people have previously taken. I’ll then post it and try to get followers to interact with it. This is what my typical day working as a campus manager is like although it does vary every one in a while.

Ashleen was a UCR Political Science and Philosophy major. She graduated from UCR back in Spring 2022. When she was not writing articles for HCUCR, she was usually spending time with friends by going out to eat yummy foods or watching shows at home. She hopes you enjoyed reading her articles!
20 year old creative writing major with a love for skincare, representation, and art. When not laying down and watching cartoons, I can be found working on my novel or browsing through baby name forums.