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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

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Finals week is coming up and that means lots and lots of studying and late night sessions. Take some time to de-stress during your studying breaks and relax. Here are some ideas to help you relax after your study session.

Bake Cookies
Bake some cookies or any sweet of your choice to help relieve some stress. These cookie recipes are quick and easy to make and taste delicious. They will also make a yummy snack for your study session.

Read a Book
Pick out a book from your to be read bile and set aside an hour before going to bed to read a chapter or thirty pages of your current read. Even reading a couple pages of your book can help bring you relief from studying all day.

We know that working out is good for your body and your brain. However, during finals week, we can tend to skip working out to get extra study time. Change your study environment by bringing your notes to the gym and study while you do your workout. Another option can be to leave your study materials at home and workout for an hour to take your mind off school/studying. This should help you come back with a fresh mind to help start your study session again.

Talk to friends and family
While studying for finals can be lonesome, call a friend or family member to talk and catch up. Have some friends taking the same classes as you? Set up a study session on zoom or at the library to get some studying done. Bring some snacks and you never know how much studying you are able to get done!

Movie Night
Need a break from studying? Invite some friends over to have a movie night! Some movie ideas can be your childhood favorite movie or head to a movie theater to see a recent release. If a movie at home sounds more appealing, set up some snacks, relax, and enjoy the movie with your friends!

Joy Marina

UC Riverside '24

Hello! My name is Joy and my hobbies include reading, writing, baking, fashion, and beauty/skincare.