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Gather Round Kitties, It’s Time For Fashion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

In regards to the latest trends, I’m probably the person that finds out about them literally the day they go out of style. That’s what I do; I either can’t seem to find out what they are or fall in love with them after they are gone. But normally, my style stays pretty stagnant, mostly sticking to superhero or band t-shirts. It rarely changes and when it does it does so drastically. There are a lot of things that I will do outside of my comfort zone (solely because I’m the type of weirdo that is inspired by their own fear), but fashion statements are things that I push no boundaries on. I don’t fuck with fashion, that is my number one rule. But as I walk around the UCR campus, I see a lot of people that do metaphorically fuck with fashion and they’re good at it! The thing about the fashion in this school is that everyone does it differently, whether it’s something totally outrages that I’ve never seen before or something that I’ve seen, done in a different way. There are a lot of talented students out there and the one thing that they are missing is an outlet, if you’re one and you know it, I think we may have your fix.

As you may or may not know (if you didn’t, you do now) the annual HCUCR fashion show is around the corner, it will be held in the spring time. We are on the lookout for student designers and makeup artists and if you are either of then we want you! NO SERIOUSLY, WE WANT YOU. It’s a great promotional deal and guaranteed to be lots of fun. Come on and work with our Her Campus team. If you are interested (which you should be, don’t be scared) then you should email us at hercampusfashionshow@gmail.com.

ALSO: If you are a DJ or a musician or any type of entertainer please get in contact with the e-mail address posted above. Creativity is always encouraged!

If you have any old clothes that just don’t fit or clothing that you can manage to live without on February 7th, we will be holding a thrift store donation event near the Bell Tower from 9am-2pm. Come out and donate, be good, be friendly, share and give! Enjoy!

Fashion show model auditions are taking place this Friday as well!!


just a preamble
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