Going into your first year of college can be extremely intimidating. You are about to enter into the best four (or more) years of your life, well that’s what everyone keeps telling you. College will definitely be a rollercoaster of emotions but with a few tips you can absolutely make these years fantastic.
1. First things first it’s imperative that you make a list of ALL the things you need for your
dorm. There are tons of videos online that give you a guide on what you need to bring to
your next living space, but once get an idea of your essentials it’s time to add your
personal touch. No one knows what you need in your dorm better than you. Take the
time out to just sit down and write all the little and big things that are important to you –
which could include: your favorite stuffed animal, fuzzy slippers, sport essentials, or even
your “on wednesdays we wear pink” t-shirt. Of course you have to make sure and make
that list reasonable, most likely your dorm won’t be very large, but be sure to include the
things that make you, You!
(Photo Courtesy of Tero Vesalainen)
2. Make a Calendar. The first week moving into the dorms you are sure to be bombarded
with tons of events and activities. In order to not get over or double booked make having
a calendar before all the craziness begins will be a lifesaver. There are tons of apps to
help you stay organized, so use them. And if you want to go old school you can pick up
a cute calendar from you local calendar. Whichever you choose, make sure to use it.
record all your classes, clubs, workout sessions, study breaks, etc. And if you are really
proactive you can record all your assignments from your syllabus. This organization will
help you prevent procrastination and give you a great boost into your first year of college.
(Photo by Emma Matthews on Unsplash)
3. Be open to making new friends. It may be intimidating going into your first year of college
but making friends is very important. You will be leaving with your dorm mates for an
entire year so relationships are everything. Being friendly will cultivate great connections
and ultimately a better first year dorm experience. So after you are all unpacked go out
and meet some new people, they might just be your new good friend.
(Photo by Priscilla Du Preez  on Unsplash)
Living on your own for the first time can be nerve-racking. Once you have these organizational tools in place and an open mindset; the ease of the situation will come faster than you expected. Just remember to keep your head up and have great expectations in your mind.