When I first went to college I was dealing with senioritis and so obviously my study habits were not the best. It took me about two quarters to fix my habits and so by the end of the Winter quarter I felt as if I had everything under control and knew that I could ace my classes during the spring quarter. Then COVID-19 hit and I was forced to go back home and no longer dorm. This itself changed my study habits because of the completely new environment that I was in, and so this is how my study habits got ruined through the pandemic.
I can no longer time manage
This got worse for me this quarter and I think it is because of the way my schedule is and I only have classes either in the morning or super late in the evenings. I try to tell myself to do my homework later on in the day, but when the time comes to do it, I just go on my phone and procrastinate my assignments This makes matters worse toward the end of the week because I have all of my assignments piling up and I begin to stress myself of which to do and which not to do.
Everything is a distraction
This might seem like an exaggeration but being in my room and doing homework is the worst because sometimes Iā€™ll either just begin to space out while looking at something or Iā€™ll see something in my room that I wanted to do and just stay away from doing my homework since the other activity seems much more entertaining.
I watch TV more than I go to class
This is definitely my worst habit. I tend to either watch Netflix or Disney+ a lot throughout the day since there isnā€™t much other to do (apart from homework). Furthermore, I think the reason this habit got so bad was that I’ve been rewatching old shows from when I was little and it reminds me of very fond memories.
I use my phone more than I should
This is my worst habit. I had gotten used to not using my phone very often in college since one of my friends barely used social media and it was rubbing off on me, but sadly when the pandemic hit I no longer saw my friend since they lived two hours away from me. Additionally, since I was only home most of the time, my phone was the only way to connect with my friends that were far away from me.
So these are some of the ways my study habits got ruined during the pandemic and they keep getting worse online. Hopefully, if the fall quarter has some in-person classes, I might be able to shift back to my old study habits.