Meet Mallika Samtani, first year Poli Sci major and co-captain of the Riverside Dhamaka
Bollywood dance team. When she’s not juggling practices or planning events, Mallika can be
found studying on the Pentland green or fueling her boba addiction.
Age: 18
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Agoura Hills CA
One interesting fact about yourself: I am half Indian half Iranian
Favorite food: Sushi, I could eat it for days
What is your personal style like? Chic casual…if that is a thing.. It’s trendy but I always have to
be comfortable
What kind of extracurricular activities are you involved in? I am Captain of the Riverside
Dhamaka Dance team and a Member of IPA (International Peer Advisor)
What first drew you to the dance group? I danced Bollywood as a kid and when I found out
there was a dance team at UCR, I had to join.
What kind of advice can you give to others who are considering joining a dance group? Just
go for it… I did not know one person when I went out for tryouts and ended up having a lot of
fun and meeting a lot of great people.
How do you balance your work and play? I stay organized by making lists of things I have to
do and am constantly communicating with my team to make sure everything is going smoothly.
What do you like best about performing? I love amping up a crowd and showing people a
different dance style that isn’t scene every day
What are some of your duties as captain? I choreograph the routines along with my co-
captain, Hinnah, run tabling every Wednesday, and I’m currently organizing a free open
workshop for anyone who wants to learn a Bollywood routine on May 15 from 8-11 PM at MSE.
Other future ambitions for yourself while at UCR? Join a club that is affiliated with Law or
World Politics, possibly join a sorority and try to meet as many people who can make my time in
college that could make it better than it already is.
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Hopefully a successful woman in a law firm
with a family and living in LA or by the beach…