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Ranier Rivera

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

With so many students on campus, it is often difficult to get to know someone personally. Whether you’re exchanging small smiles, awkward glances, or long, eye- capturing stares, it’s likely that you don’t know much about your peers aside from their names and majors. So here’s to getting to know one of our UCR student a little bit more – Ranier Rivera was one of our two entertainingly funny hosts of our talent show!

The Basics:
-Year: First Year
Major: Undeclared CNAS/Hopefully declaring Biochemistry
Hometown: Brea 
-Interests: Basketball, football, soccer, music, clothes, watches, poetry

Getting to Know Him:
1. What are you most passionate about?
I am most passionate about leaving my mark here at UCR and making my parents proud. I want everyone to know my name and have a good image about me when they do.

2. How do you describe your personality/style?
I am very outgoing and love to meet new people. However, I do need some time for myself. I love spending days in my room just watching television and movies. I am a big family and friend person. I consider my friends part of my extended family and treat them as if they were siblings.  

3. Are you involved in any clubs at UCR? 
-National Residence Halls Honorary (NRHH)
-Residence Halls Association (RHA)
-Filipinos in Health Sciences (FIHS)
-National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS)
-American Medical Students Association (AMSA)

4. What do you see yourself doing after college?
I hope to become an orthopedic surgeon!

5. What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
One of my greatest accomplishments was becoming an altar server. Religion is a big part of who I am and defines what I believe in, so becoming part of the church was a big step in my faith formation.  

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