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She’s My “Girlfriend,” But She’s Not My Real “Girlfriend”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Relationships are hard, especially in college. You have to plan dates along two schedules, balance time between school, friends and boyfriends, and walk the line between staying independent while also fully committing yourself to your relationship. To add to all that stress, technology has only made relationships exponentially more difficult.

Gone are the days where your own Mr.Darcy had to pull his balls out of his back pocket and show up at your front porch to express his undying love to you. Sorry Taylor, but boys just don’t talk on real slow on the phone anymore cause it’s late and their mamas don’t know. Oh and Kelly, be thankful you even had a stupid love song to fall for. You got a love song, I got a date to John’s Incredible Pizza.

Texting, smartphones, and Facebook have seriously complicated our love lives. Nowadays, boys won’t even bother to get to know us by asking us out. Based on our profiles they can decide we’re not even worth dating because maybe our taste in music “sucks”.(Excuse me for enjoying an occasional Nickelback song!) If you do manage to get a guy’s attention, don’t expect a call anytime soon. Why actually use a phone to call someone when you can text them, or better yet, use your Facebook app to message them?! Oh you got the guy to make a commitment? Well now you can spend the night analyzing(i.e. crying) over the fact that some(in the words of Nicki Minaj) ‘stupid hoe’ checked in with him at Boba Tea House.

If you haven’t caught onto my witty(bitter) backhanded comments, I recently got out of a relationship. Well, pushed and shoved would be a better way of describing it, but I’m going to try to not be so dramatic. Yes it was a learning experience, but save me the “You deserve better,” “You shouldn’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened,” and any other gag worthy comments that every recently dumped girl hears from her friends.

This is not that type of article. I don’t know you. I’m busy being bitter myself over here so unless you want to get together and be bitchy together, I can’t make you feel better. (But just one thing. Since you chose to read my article you’re obviously incredibly smart, funny and all around too awesome to ever be dumped by anyone!)

But I digress.


I’ve decided I will be your Carrie Bradshaw, Riverside! I’ve been dating since I was 12 years old, experienced true love, long distance relationships, and had my heart broken enough times to know what I’m talking about. Why not take all this experience and make something useful out of it? I was unlucky enough to be born with the singing capabilities of The Nanny, so writing number one hits like my girl crush Taylor hasn’t really worked out for me. Based on my most recent relationship, I’m going to write on warning signs no girl in a monogamous relationship should ignore. I did, and look where I am. Single, becoming slightly neurotic, but overall only getting more awesome.

So here they are, the 5 relationship red flags no girl(or boy) should ignore. And no, you’re not being petty by bringing up your issues with something in your relationship. Better to say something than nothing at all. And if you can relate to multiple of these warning signs, then in the words of Childish Gambino, you just might be his girlfriend but not his real “girlfriend.”

1. Doesn’t Remove Facebook Albums of the Ex-Girlfriend
We all have exes. We all have a Facebook account, so an album full of pictures of you and your former boo are inevitable. But if someone asks you to go steady before deleting all traces of their former girlfriend, we’ve got a problem. I’m not saying delete the photos forever, but cmon, how am I supposed to give my friends the link to your profile with your ex-girlfriend is still clouding up your photo albums.

2. His Friends Insult You…And He Does Nothing
Bros before hoes? That’s cool, choose your “bros” over me, but your bros don’t make you lunch when you’re having a stressful week and no bro of yours is going to keep you warm at night. Ladies, there’s a fine line between staying true to your friends and being too big of a wimp to stand up for your girlfriend. If your boyfriend doesn’t say anything when his friends insult you, most likely he’s joining in when you’re not around. (Trust).

3. Mr. I’mTooBusyForAnyone(IncludingYou) 
Listen up boys of UCR! You don’t know the meaning of a busy schedule until you spend the day in my flats. Try talking five upper division courses at the same time, applying for numerous summer abroad programs, maintaining a social life while also keeping up with Grey’s Anatomy! If your boyfriend is too “busy” to ever initiate a lunch date or weekend plans something is up. Why have a girlfriend if you’re too busy to spend any time with her? Make time for me…or watch me take a page out of Beyonce’s book and wave my fingers all diva like, “to the left, to the left.”

4. Mocks Your Interests/Goals
I’m a Psychology and Women’s Studies major with an unprecedented love for Taylor Swift and I eat way too many french fries. Deal. With. It. This one is simple, if your boyfriend doesn’t try to understand or at least respect the things you love or your goals in life, then it’s just not going to work. Excuse me for not being a science major who listens to bands no one cares about. The next time your boyfriend casually jokes about something you sincerely care about, let him know how much it bothers you. If it continues then be aware that it will most likely never change.

5. Doesn’t Make It Facebook Official
I don’t think making a relationship Facebook official is that big of a deal. A relationship is between two people, so why do some feel the need to tell everyone from their BFF from second grade to their former computer science TA. Things get fishy though when you both know the relationship is going to last for a substantial amount of time and yet one person remains reluctant to put it on Facebook. In my situation, I was smart enough to never post it, saving me the depressing change of relationship status update. This red flag is more difficult to maneuver, but very important, especially if your relationship has hit the three month mark.  

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Rubi Mancilla

UC Riverside

Rubi Mancilla is a fourth year studying Psychology and Women's Studies at UC Riverside. She decided to double major because at the time it seemed like she was getting two degrees for the price of one, the ultimate sale! She writes about relationships, how to spend a Friday night at home, being a confused twenty-something and never having enough money in her bank account. Her column 'Midweek Study Break' is published every Wednesday but you can read more of her work in her new project, When Life Gives You Rubi. Until Disney decides to make a movie about how hard it is to be a recent (single) college graduate, we can try to figure out this whole being a grown up thing together.   
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Nicole Martinez

UC Riverside

Nicole is a senior at UC Riverside where she is majoring in Media and Culture studies. She co-founded the Her Campus UC Riverside chapter her sophomore year in college. She loves to spend her free time watching The Mindy Project, Girls, Pretty Little Liars, and other shows with leading ladies. She also dabbles on tumblr, instagram (obviwearetheladies), and twitter. Mindy Kailing and Shoshanna are her spirit animals and in the near future she hopes to achieve elite status on Yelp, pursue a career in Public Relations and ultimately conquer the world.