I might be alone in this, but indulge me. I have too many distractions and it almost makes doing anything productive impossible. If you’re like me, you probably belong to at least two social media site; have a Netflix account, and a Hulu Plus account. Not to mention the oh-so-funny Youtube video you just had to watch before you started your Comparative Literature essay, but let’s just be honest here. The internet consumes too much of daily lives.
Let me be clear however, procrastination is a rite of passage for any college student. I mean realistically nobody wants to spend their Saturday night figuring out what the fundamental paradox was in Rousseau’s Second Discourse, but when you spend endless hours watching reruns of How I met your Mother, I think it’s time for an intervention- pun intended.
So the question age old question beckons, how do we manage our time with what we want to do and what we have to do? The answer to that is time management. Easier said than done, I know, but these next few steps should help.
Step 1: Make a list of everything you need to get done. By pinpointing exactly what you need to do in the day, you make sure never miss anything.
Step 2: Make a schedule- but not in a typical sense. If you have multiple assignments do them during completely different hours in the day, that way you give yourself time to get over the fact that you have so much to do.
Step 3: Give yourself breaks. Marathon study sessions are great for the people can do them, but most of can’t handle them. Your brain is like a knife, you need to sharpen your knife after long usage, so take a break every 30-45 minutes.
Step 4: Realization. I realize that studying can seem never ending, but there is a reason we are putting ourselves through this mental torture. So even when you want to throw that History or Physics text book against the wall, remember that there is an end to this tunnel, and in the end it will be worth the hard work.