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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.


My first time at UCR was during their annual event for prospective students called “Highlander Day.” I was overwhelmed with white tents that had different advisors at them and also numerous tables that student groups decorated with information.


I saw everything from Kendo Club, Mock Trial, to Catholic Student Fellowship. It was almost like I was a child in a candy shop because of how interesting these groups looked and since I was still a senior in high school.


I knew I wanted to be involved in some way, but I saw these wooden letters that caught my eye. They caught my eye because I didn’t know what they said and the way they showcased who they were by having paddles, photos, and so on.


I began to research some of the letters I saw. Through this I learned more about their events, values, and different types of organization they could be. Some are social, professional, or cultural.


After looking into a few organizations and talking with some members I decided to go out for a co-ed fraternity which focused on everything I wanted: community service, making new friendships, and putting academics first.



(Photo by Pinterest)


This group is called Phi Sigma Pi and have their values in the form of a Tripod. This consists of: scholarship, leadership, and fellowship.


(Photo by Greek Gear)


This fraternity has helped me to become more assertive, outgoing, and engage with even more diverse amounts of people than I had previously. It also has made my work ethic improve in becoming more organized and detail-oriented.


Together we work to better ourselves in terms of leadership, academics, and interpersonal skills. Overall, I’m happy I joined this organization because I genuinely enjoy the people and our ideals.

Mya Benavides

UC Riverside '21

Lover of kindness, music, and creating. Undergrad at UCR pursuing a B.A. in Sociology along with a Minor in English.
Hi, I'm Savannah. I'm currently a Senior at UCRiveride studying Sociology. After graduation, I'm looking into doing Public Relations with a media and entertainment company. My favorite things to do are find the best shopping deals and go on road trips.