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Why You Need to Vote in the 2024 Election

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Around half, but not all college students vote in America. According to statistics recorded by the Washington Post, only 66% of university students voted in the 2020 presidential election. Nevertheless, one of the biggest issues in politics is the lack of representation and voice given to the younger generation. Now more than ever, it is vital for Gen-Z eligible to cast votes, especially young women, to educate ourselves and learn more about how we can use our voices to shape the future we want to live in. 

The November 2024 election is being forecasted as a very high-stakes competition. To sum it all up, it is essentially a 2020 rematch between the Democrat’s primary nominee, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump as the face of the Republican Party. Both nominees have different stances on politics and are proposing different ideals for the country.

Part of the reason less than the full demographic of college students vote is because we feel intimidated by the older generation. Boomers, Gen-X, and even Millennials are far more experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to understanding the ballots. Most 18-24 year olds already have a busy schedule balancing academics, jobs, and socializing activities, and we don’t feel as ready enough to participate in voting. Most of the time when you ask a university student the reason for why they are not voting it most likely consists of something along the lines of “well, I don’t really know who to vote for,” which is typically understandable because going the extra mile to do research on both nominees is work that very few want to partake in. However, some important reasons that should motivate Gen-Z to vote in this election include economic policies and access to abortion rights.

More students should actively engage in the 2024 election by casting votes for improved economic policies. Inflation and the cost of living rises higher every year and while most of us are covered by financial aid while on campus, it won’t always be like this. It is essential that Gen -Z votes for a nominee that is prioritizing increasing job opportunities and wages for when it is time for us to be financially independent. We want to put someone in office who is going to make it secure enough to be able to get our own apartment or homes in the next few years without impossible living prices. In addition, most of us students today will be graduating in the next four years, so it is important to put someone in the white house who is interested in forming legislation that could decrease student debt for those students who have taken or are planning to take out any loans. 

In addition, more female college students should vote this November particularly concerning abortion rights. Previous decisions regarding the overturn of Roe vs Wade should come as a red flag that people in power, especially men, will do anything to have control over women’s bodies. The decisions made by the next administration could help young women gain back their freedom in having a choice when it comes to reproduction. Right now, most of us students are at pivotal stages in our lives and we must work hard to make our voices heard not only to protect ourselves but look out for the future of other young girls. 

Elisa Chavez

UC Riverside '27

Hello, my name is Elisa and I am a first year English major beyond thrilled to be a part of the writing committee. My favorite hobby in the world revolves around reading romance and fantasy novels, in fact I love spending time at bookstores. It is also worth mentioning that I adore cats, indie music, Harry Styles, and watching "Gilmore Girls" all year round.