There are some wickedly cool people out there and one of the things that makes them wickedly cool is their creativity. Their ability to send out important messages through art. That being said, I also appreciate great art and like all my other interests, my taste tends to lean towards the darker side, because life is a little dark and the best thing to do is to embrace it.
LA artists Jessicka Addams, Camille Rose Garcia, Elizabeth McGrath and Marion Peck have put together some spooky art for our favorite time of the year. The exhibit will be held in New York, but you can sample the art here and see more of it on the Sloan Art website. Exhibit starts tomorrow!
Reception: Friday, October 24th, 6 to 9pm
Exhibition: October 25 through November 2, 2014
Location: site/109, 109 Norfolk St, New York, NY 10002
Gallery Hours: Wednesday through Sunday, noon to 6pm
The Sloan Art website describes the art in quotes bellow.
Art by Jessicka Addams:
“Jessicka Addams explores issues of identity, vulnerability and loss of innocence while maintaining an element of absurdity, thus lightening the heaviness of her melancholy sculptures and paintings. Inspirations include Goth culture, religious iconography, the Easter Bunny, cats, decapitations, sea creatures, and all things John Waters.”
Art by Camille Rose Garcia:
“Camille Rose Garcia‘s layered, broken narratives of wasteland fairy tales are influenced by William Burroughs’ cut-up writings and surrealist film, as well as vintage Disney and Fleischer cartoons, along with her non-traditional upbringing. Her paintings are critical commentaries on the failures of capitalist utopias, blending nostalgic pop culture references with a satirical slant on modern society.”
Art by Elizabeth McGrath:
“Elizabeth McGrath has always had an eye for the strange beauty in the grotesqueries of life. This appreciation is nowhere more evident than in her artwork. Inspired by the relationship between the natural world and the detritus of consumer culture, she brings forth a cavalcade of creatures from the darker corners of the streets, the city, and her twisted imagination.”
Art by Marion Peck:
“Marion Peck is particularly interested in interpreting dream imagery into her work and in exploring historical and contemporary attitudes towards gender roles, childhood and death.”
Keep it creepy!