There are many times throughout the quarter when I absolutely need a cup of coffee. And here are ten examples — because caffeine can fix just about anything.
1. When it’s the night before a midterm… And you just started studying.
2. Or when you have a paper due… in 12 hours.
3. Or when you woke up at 5 a.m. to study for your 1 p.m. midterm.
4. Or when you got less than 4 hours of sleep.
5. When you’re trying to resist shutting your eyes while studying.
6. When you “accidentally” stay up binge watching shows on Netflix and realize you still have an assignment due or a midterm tomorrow.
7. When you took a “study break” that turned into 4 hours of scanning through Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram over and over again.
8. When you have more than five hours of class ahead of you and need a cup of Joe to make it through the day.
9. When you’re falling asleep before a lecture, a couple of expresso shots are probably the boost you need.
10. Or even when you just crave a white mocha from the CoHo.
But if you ask me, there’s never really a bad time for coffee.