1. Calories don’t count this week, right? I’m treating myself for this rough week, that’s all.
2. I’ve been eating so much… I should probably hit the gym. Next week.
3. But I have time to see my friends… I’m just taking a break!
4. If I don’t know this, probably no one else does!
5. I hope this class is curved.
6. One more shot… of espresso
7. I am so overwhelmed by the mass amount of work I have to do. Time for a nap.
8. These notes make no sense what-so-ever… hello Khan Academy.
9. Maybe if I take more multivitamins I’ll become a study-superhuman…
10. According to my calculations, I can get a 60% on this midterm and still pull off an A in the course… I just need to get 95% on the final!
11. You know what? I don’t care anymore, I just don’t. I just want to get this over with, and have a great weekend, and put this past me.
12. My life is going to be amazing after I’m done with these midterms. I already made a list of everything I’m going to do!