Studying abroad can be one of the best experiences UC Davis has to offer. So far, my travels in London have been amazing, yet there are a couple of things I cannot deny that I miss every day.Â
1.    Shower
There’s nothing quite like not having to worry about how the knobs, temperature, and space work to make the perfect shower. It’s one of the most minimal things you have to adjust to, yet it is a reminder every time that something so simplistic has become complicated and unfamiliar.Â
2.    Your Data Plan
Goodbye mindless refreshing of Snapchat, as that will cost you hundreds of dollars! Both good and bad with this one, as it allows you to be present in your current situation, but also makes for a lot of staring off into space on public transportation.Â
3.    In-N-Out
I don’t even eat In-N-Out that often, I just miss knowing that it is constantly in my close proximity.Â
4.    Sense of Direction
The confidence of knowing your surroundings and streets is completely stripped away and can feel intimidating and helpless at times.Â
5.    Dog
Yes, sometimes missed more than the immediate family. Your family knows what you’re doing, they can call or text anytime, and they can even see your face over Skype. Your dog, though? Completely clueless and feeling totally abandoned for weeks on end (or at least that is what I imagine in my head).Â