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How to Save Your Skin in Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.
There’s no denying that it’s Spring Quarter.  Birds are chirping, people are friendly, the sun is kissing your cheeks, and the Quad is buzzing with life!  Right now, all we want to do is lay out and soak up the sun.  Even if it’s not a goal of yours, the sun’s warmth is affecting your skin as you walk, bike, or run around Davis.

It’s a well-known fact that most people look better tan (unless you start to look orange or like a cast-member of the Jersey Shore).  Unfortunately, the sun causes burns, eye damage, wrinkles, and cancer.  You are all gorgeous collegiettes™ who should grow to be gorgeous women well past your 20’s!  Let’s be honest, nobody wants to resort to plastic surgery if they can prevent it.  Here are some tips to keep your skin (especially your face) wrinkle-free and radiant! Who wouldn’t want to look like a youthful collegiette™ for decades to come?


An easy way to protect your face is to wear a hat!  There are so many options out there to mix up your style depending on your mood.  Throw on that old worn-in baseball cap—boys love it!  This look shows that you’re relaxed and comfortable.  Another alternative is to pair those shorts, boots, and flannel with a nice cowboy hat.  There are so many different styles and sizes that you can find one that’s perfect for you.  You can even rock it with a cute, bohemian dress!  Fedora or tribly (narrower brim) hats are also incredibly fashionable, diverse, and go exceptionally well with jumpers.  Last but not least, you can rock the typical summer floppy straw hat.  These are found anywhere from Nordstrom to our very own Davis Rite Aid!  The wide brim ensures full coverage of the face, ears, and neck and is perfect for lounging near the Rec pool.

Make sure that you wear face makeup with an SPF of at least 15.  Even if you forget to apply sunscreen, you’ll at least have some coverage.  Your nose and cheeks are especially prone to sunburn so applying a little heavier on those areas (as long as you don’t look streaky or cakey) is always a good idea.


Do not forget about your lips!  Remember to wear a chapstick, lip balm, or lip gloss that has SPF in it.  If your lips burn they can possibly blister, crack, and bleed.  Not only do these products prevent this damage from occurring, but they also keep your lips kissably smooth for your new spring quarter crush!  Some of my favorite brands are Blistex and Burt’s Bees.  These products are a little more on the expensive side but totally worth it with their smooth application, great smell, and long-lasting content.


We all know that sunscreen is important to keep the sun’s UVA and UVB rays from harming our smooth, baby’s bottom skin.  The problem is that we usually fail to wear it.  Find a lightweight sunscreen made for your face with a higher SPF, my personal favorite is Neutrogena.  If you apply it before you apply your makeup, you can minimize the annoying shiny effect and leave healthy glow.  Do not forget to cover your ears, neck, and scalp (where you part your hair). Sunburns in those areas are unfortunately common and painful. Always check that your sunscreen from last year hasn’t expired; otherwise, get a new one!

Exfoliating is a tricky task to conquer. When done correctly, it sloughs off the dead skin cells in order to prevent acne and keep your skin healthy. On the other hand, too much exfoliating can damage your skin by opening up your pores and allowing dirt and oils in. It can also rub your skin raw to a fresh layer more easily prone to sun burns.  In order to get the positive benefits, exfoliate no more than two times a week.

It’s time to live up to the song and put your stunna shades on!  Sunglasses hide part of your face from sun exposure while shading your eyes from the harmful rays. Whether they’re $250 or $5 choose ones that have UVA/UVB protection and try to stick to darker tinted lenses in order to protect your eyes as much as possible.  Also, you can skip the eye makeup and just throw on those shades for a perfectly put together look on the go!


The sun dries out your skin and causes a raisin-like effect.  In order to put a stop to those annoying wrinkles and prevent painful botox, staying hydrated is a must!  It’s easy to jump in the pool to cool off, but that does not mean that you are no longer thirsty.  Drink as much water as possible, it’s good for your skin, your overall health and body,
and helps keep hangovers away! Hydrate your skin after a day in the sun with a good daily moisturizer.  It will help keep the color that you stored while also keeping your skin smooth and free of cracks.  If you do happen to get a sunburn, slather on an aloe vera moisturizer.  

Now you have the tools you need to enjoy the Spring sunshine without damaging your skin.  Go break out that new bikini and have some fun!

Source, photos:

Rachael Brandt is your typical collegiette. Her free time, you'll find her roaming the CoHo, nourishing her hourly caffeine fix or rocking out at the campus rec center in Zumba class. Rachael has interned at Acosta/Salazar PR firm in Sacramento, CA --working with politicians and interest groups to aide their campaigns. She now spends her days working at the Events and Conferencing Center, in hopes of saving up for the many goodies she hopes to acquire while studying abroad next year. After cultivating an obsession for Her Campus, she opened the UC Davis branch, and now serves as campus correspondant.