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Lessons from Winter Quarter of Sophomore Year

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Winter quarter has been challenging yet rewarding. I began my first internship, increased my involvement with my HerCampus chapter, and took my first upper division courses for my major. This transition has taught me a lot of things, so here are my three main takeaways from this winter quarter that can benefit any college student.

Stay Informed

Information is and will always be one of the most valuable things you can have. You can learn a lot just by being on campus. Pay attention to the flyers, visit different centers, and stay in areas where people socialize. This way, you see what types of activities are going on, you hear what people are talking about, and you get a better understanding of what matters to your peers. Having this information benefits you and your friends. For example, did you know that we have a student startup center? It’s in Bainer Hall, and they hold workshops and events every day for student entrepreneurs. By staying informed with campus activities, you can become more helpful (and valued).

Another way to get information is to talk to people. This is why one of the first things you hear when it comes to college advice is to make friends and get involved on campus. You might come across an unexpected connection, get advice you really needed to hear, and discover opportunities.

Always Plan Ahead

If you’re put in charge of a project, whether it’s for class or an extracurricular activity, you should always plan ahead and anticipate things being pushed back. Say you want your team to complete things by Friday; you should set the deadline to Wednesday or Thursday. When you’re working with a team of college students, you should be aware that everyone is busy and most people are going to complete their tasks at the last minute. Luckily for you, there are still one or two more days to turn things in on time thanks to your early deadline. Doing this will save you from a big headache.

Never Stop Exploring

While routines are great, they can hold you back. I made an effort to explore Davis when I was a freshman, but I eventually settled into a routine and stopped going out to new spots as often. It was only until recently that I began exploring the city again. I visited an absolutely wonderful park in North Davis and befriended a cat named Pouncer. I tried a new restaurant downtown. I ventured into the fourth floor of the library, where I discovered how wonderful it is to study in complete silence. When life gets a little boring, go somewhere you have never been before. 

There are plenty of other things I have learned this quarter, but the three that I have listed are the ones that will truly upgrade your college experience. I hope you will take these lessons to heart.

Yesha Wu is the publicity director for Her Campus at UCD. She is responsible for advertising and recruitment. Outside of Her Campus, she is an outreach volunteer for UCD’s CARE center. She is currently a second year biological sciences major. In her free time, Yesha enjoys reading nonfiction, drawing, and hitting the gym.