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The Office Memes that Describe Every College Student’s Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Preface: I am fully aware that some readers have just skimmed over the above title and groaned because they’ve already seen enough of The Office literally everywhere. Deal with it.

Despite the fact that The Office ended its constantly definitely-hilarious-but-simultaneously-awful, cringe-inducing episodes back in 2013, its iconic jokes are still very much alive and well in current generations.

So, in honor of this resurgence of every “that’s what she said” reference (and the fact that I finally finished all 9 seasons 2 weekends ago), here are memes (and some gifs) from The Office that describe the life of every college student.

When you take great notes in lecture but then look at them later and realize that they make no sense


When you get that lovely notification from your bank that you have insufficient funds


When you’re in discussion and someone keeps asking the same questions repeatedly


That lie you tell yourself when you’ve got an 8 a.m. the next morning but also have 75 hours of homework


“There will not be a curve on any tests or your final grade.”


When you walk out of that midterm that you may or may not have passed


Writing your TAs scathing reviews at the end of the quarter when they done-did you wrong


And finally, when it’s the weekend and you’re ready to PARTAY


Helena is currently a second year studying English at UC Davis and plans to minor in Professional Writing and Technology Management. When she's not furiously writing notes in class, you can find her answering phone calls in the Dean's office at the UC Davis School of Law. She enjoys reading, listening to music, writing, eating (lots of) food, and spending time with family, friends, and her Tri Delta sisters.
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