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Simple Ways to Make Your Relationship Survive the Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.
When we first come to college we all long of meeting that special someone. But once we’ve found them, we need to figure out how to keep the love alive. When you meet someone in college, odds are that they come from some place far away from you. Whether across the country, the bay, or potentially the globe, distance during breaks is difficult to handle. With summer inching slowly toward us, it’s time for those of us in relationships to think about the months to come.

First and foremost we all know that being in a relationship takes work. It’s about giving a little and taking a little. Distance makes the heart grow founder right? Use these helpful tips and we hope it will for you!

Everyone knows that the only way a relationship can survive, especially with distance, is if you have a solid foundation of trust. Trusting your boy over the summer and knowing he has a sense of trust in you will allow guilt free nights, a sense of security, and allow him to be more open with you. But we all know trust is hard to just give out. It takes time to build so make sure it’s there before the summer begins. Without trust the love boat will start to tip and eventually you’ll find yourself overboard.

Mama always said communication was key and boy oh boy was she right. Summer days can be long and whether they are filled with work or play, it is important to always set time aside to communicate. If you are traveling, write a letter or send a postcard. Snail mail is slow but every girl knows they love to see their name on an envelope. Letters of your adventures will help your boy feel like he’s right beside you. Plus, taking the time out to write to your man shows him that, even if far away, he is always on your mind.

In the 21st century, there is little that we cannot achieve by way of technology. From facebook to skype to face time and texting, there are many ways to communicate virtually. First things first use skype! If you don’t have an account make one. Skype is the perfect way to eliminate the geographical boundaries between you and your boy. Skyping and seeing your boy’s face will remind you that nothing has changed and will make you feel like you’re there with him. If you aren’t skyping, you can always send videos in a message on facebook, remind him that you love him or tell him a funny story that just couldn’t wait. These may seem like little things the effort you put in will mean the world to him. Text and call whenever possible!  

Part of the problem with summer is that the romance of the relationship gets put on hold. The friendship and other important elements of the relationship grow but romance sometimes gets left behind. But don’t worry this can be fixed too. Send love letters, care packages, anything to remind your boy that romance and love are is still on your mind.

Make a date:
If at all possible, find time to get together. For many, this isn’t possible, but even one week, a couple of days or even a day where you two can actually spend time together will be a relief and a great way to strengthen your relationship. Show the boy your hometown, the local shops and restaurants. Go to the beach, do something fun that the college schedule never allows you to do.

Don’t forget about yourself:
With all this time away from him, it’s time to get to know yourself. Try something new, something you can than show your boy you’ve learned. Taking time in the summer to learn a new hobby is not only fun and time consuming, but it is something you can do for yourself to make you happy. Whether its learning a new instrument, going on hikes, learning how to cook, or helping a friend, these new solo activities will stick with you forever.

So remember ladies, summer is about fun, relaxation and new adventures. Just because you can’t be with your boy for every second doesn’t mean it won’t be the time of your life. Keeping your relationship healthy and alive will make for a better-than-ever summer apart.

Rachael Brandt is your typical collegiette. Her free time, you'll find her roaming the CoHo, nourishing her hourly caffeine fix or rocking out at the campus rec center in Zumba class. Rachael has interned at Acosta/Salazar PR firm in Sacramento, CA --working with politicians and interest groups to aide their campaigns. She now spends her days working at the Events and Conferencing Center, in hopes of saving up for the many goodies she hopes to acquire while studying abroad next year. After cultivating an obsession for Her Campus, she opened the UC Davis branch, and now serves as campus correspondant.