1. My friends are on Spring Break already…
2. My semester friends are taking their first round of midterms. Can you believe that?
3. I deserve a break; maybe I’ll go out and buy a) Boba b) Dutch Bros. C) any other miscellaneous snack item.
4. I haven’t had enough coffee. *buys coffee*
5. I could watch an episode of _____, I’ve studied for like 5 hours. *watches 5 episodes “accidentally”*
6. I should probably study again…
7. But I also need to eat dinner.
8. Ah yes, back to studying.
9. You know, I’m kind of sleepy now.
10. I really should get some sleep before this final.
11. Maybe I shouldn’t have watched TV…
12. *panic ensues* *buys more Dutch Bros.* *settles down* Alright, you can do this.And then the whole thing repeats again.
*The GIFs in this article do not belong to Her Campus or the author, and were found on Google Images.