As someone who pays close attention to fashion, I am always examining the outfits I see on campus and looking for new, eye-catching trends. Lately, I have noticed splashes of color popping up and not in people’s wardrobe, but in their hair! It seems the most recent trend storm to hit is feather hair extensions. Now, I may be way behind on this trend since its popularity began earlier this year, but it is only within the last month or two I started noticing fellow Davis students sporting this new hair accessory.
What are they, you may ask? Feather hair extensions are pretty self-explanatory. They are long pieces of feathers ranging in lengths, thickness and color that you can attach to your hair. When I first spotted these, I thought they were simple clip-ins that you choose to wear for a day. Little did I know, they are actually bonded to your natural hair with a small, but sturdy clamp and can last anywhere from 2 to 7 weeks! It seems like most of the high quality attachments are made of real feathers, which are then colored for style.
These little extensions seem to be pretty easy to get your hands on. Kelsey James, a sophomore, says she got her feathers from a salon in her hometown, while other students, such as Toni Toscano and Rachael Brandt, reported getting their feathers from a fellow student and a salon in Davis, respectively. After doing a little research, I found you could also just order them online and attach them yourselves. Just Google Feather Hair Extensions and the possibilities are endless. The prices can range from $5 to $20 a feather.
There are so many options online that you can find colors and lengths built to your preference. My sources have extensions in black/red/brown/white, and turquoise/purple/auburn.
Being a collegietteTM with thick, curly hair, I will admit I am a little skeptical if I could pull them off. I have been informed that you can treat these feathers like real hair. “They curl with a curling iron and straighten with a flat iron. You can brush them, shampoo, condition, everything!” says Toni. There’s no denying that these feather extensions are hot, hot, HOT and they are a perfect and effortless accessory for Spring Quarter.