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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Over spring break, I went to Disneyland to celebrate my 21st birthday. While most people go there for the rides, characters, and general nostalgia it provides, I go for the food. From the classic corn dog to the innovative flavors of Pym’s Test Kitchen, I savored every bite of the delectable dishes that make Disneyland a true foodie destination. The moment you step foot in the park, you’re greeted with the aroma of sweet treats that tempt your taste buds, and in this article, I want to share a few of the things I ate at Disney and tell you if it is worth it for the price. 


My first day at Disney honestly had me feeling overwhelmed with the amount of food options because I was not sure where to start. Eventually, though, I decided on a classic churro just to get me back into the Disney spirit and because it was a safe option. It was absolutely delicious! Incredibly soft and chewy, but I would say it is only worth it to try once. It is only slightly better than a Costco churro and is double the price, so really only get it if you have never had one before. Rating: 6/10

The Lalasmiling Girl In Mickey Mouse Ears
Her Campus Media

Quesabirria Tacos 

The quesabirria tacos from Cocina Cucamonga in California Adventure are absolutely worth it! They are $12 for two tacos, which is pretty cheap for Disney food, and are packed with so much flavor from the beef inside both the taco and the broth. They are also incredibly filling, which, for their price, was a little shocking. I feel like these are a bit of a hidden gem at Disney, but are something that everyone should be getting. Rating: 10/10 

Bacon Mac and Cheese Cone 

The Cozy Cone restaurants are some of my favorite places to visit whenever I go to Disney because of the immersive environment. It literally feels like you are in one of the Cars movies which is so much fun. However, the shining star of the Cozy Cone is its bacon mac and cheese cone. It is very cheesy and the bread cone it resides in has a nice sweet flavor to compliment the savory bacon. I will say that the bread is on the chewier side and the cheese is very decadent, so if you are looking for something with a lighter taste this might be a bit much. Rating: 8/10 

Asian Beef Burrito 

The Asian beef burrito is something I found on TikTok the day I was going and I honestly think it was a sign from God himself because it was amazing. I am a huge fan of fusion food and the flavor of kimchi combined with the marinated beef was to die for. It also had so many texture levels with fried rice combined with crunchy ramen noodle bits all wrapped up into a delicious piece of heaven. This is unfortunately a seasonal item and I am not sure when it will be removed from the menu, but if you are going to Disney anytime soon, I highly suggest you give this a try. You can find it at the Studio Catering Co. in California Adventure. Rating: 10/10 

Impossible Spoonful 

Located at the newly established Pym’s Test Kitchen, the Impossible Spoonful is a pasta dish served with a completely vegetarian meatball. In fitting with the theme, the dish is served in a small bowl with an even comically smaller fork in order to emphasize just how big the “meat” ball is. This was my first time having Impossible meat and it was surprisingly tasty with a lot of flavors mixed in. The pasta itself though was a little disappointing and tasted like something I would have made in my college apartment, but was overall good. Rating: 7/10 

Overall, Disney managed to deliver some of the best foods I have ever eaten at a theme park. The next time you find yourself at the Happiest Place on Earth, be sure to treat yourself to some of these mouth-watering treats and experience the magic of Disney through your taste buds. 

Jaylynn is an English and Cinema and Digital Media student at the University of California, Davis. She hopes to use her platform on Her Campus to highlight the little moments of life and hopes you enjoy reading her articles!