I sit down to write my article for the week, and it is midnight. No, I didn’t procrastinate and no, I didn’t forget, but I just got back from a five-hour rehearsal that I went to after a quick shift at work, that I started after six hours of classes, that I went to after barely finishing two hundred pages of reading, that I barely got to after attending a meeting for my sorority, which I barely made it to after attending a meeting for my theatre club, which I barely made it to after finishing writing articles for the two publications that I write for. I’m certain this story is not uncommon to most of you, as many of us are prone to stacking our plate so high that the Leaning Tower of Pisa gets jealous. Here are the woes and wonders of being a very involved collegiette:
The Woes:
1. I haven’t sat on a couch in weeks.
You never realize how amazing couches are until your buns never get to grace one. Oh, the things I would sacrifice to just fetal position on a couch.
2. My diet is so inconsistent that I’m not even sure what I just ate constitutes as any of the categories on the food pyramid.
I’ll eat what I can get my hands on in the twenty minutes I am at home during the day. Sometimes, it’s avocado toast (wow!) and sometimes it’s a burnt bowl of microwave macaroni and cheese. Sometimes it’s a fistful of popcorn. Sometimes it’s an old tube sock. I long for consistency.
3. I’d like a little “me” time every now and again.
I would love to take an afternoon to make use of the bath bombs I purchased so long ago or go on a little day trip to try a new restaurant, but alas I have sacrificed most of my time to the monster that is my agenda.
4. Sleep.
Need I say more?
The Wonders:
1. I have met my best friends.
Long ago, a little freshman version of myself did not do much, and she was not all that happy. This year, she has bags under her eyes constantly, but she’s alongside a group of the best gals a girl could ask for. I’d go without sleep for a whole month for the friends that I have made through my various areas of involvement. It has not only benefitted my mental health, but it has benefitted by personality and my growth. Being surrounded by people that you love and people who love you is one of the greatest accomplishments you can attain in college.
2. I’ve gained confidence.
It is no longer the question of “Can I?” but, rather, the affirmative statement “I can” that dominates my thoughts. As someone who juggles an intense variety of activities, I know that there is nothing I cannot do so long as I put my mind into my work. This is true for everyone! As long as you are willing to jump in and try new things, you will seldom come out of it without new skills or new knowledge. I have gained confidence in my skills as a writer, scholar, editor, creator, employee, singer, actor, and leader through my schedule this year, and it benefits me in so many areas.
3. I have gained insight into what I want to do in my future.
The people around you and every little thing that you do help you gain ideas about what you want to do. By writing articles and writing plays and creating and leading, I have learned what I really enjoy doing and have gained hands-on experience doing what I hope to do later in life. Additionally, I have learned what I do NOT like and what I do NOT want to do, which is equally important.
4. I never suffer from FOMO.
The fear of missing out cannot harm you if you simply do everything. Rage onward, in terms of your involvement and your future.
At the end of the day, I am fine to see limited couches, sleep a little less, and eat a fist full of popcorn for brunch if it means that I can look back at my college experience and say that I did everything that I wanted to do and met all the people that I needed to meet in order to be my ultimate, grown-up, dream job: a happy person.
None of the images used belong to Her Campus UC Davis.
Cover photo source: Olivia Luchini (author)