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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Full Disclaimer: The names and identities of the participants have been disguised in order to protect their past, present, and/or future relationships.

“Someone better caught my interest with more to offer.”

–       Mr. Three Years Together On and Off, Currently Off


“If you know she doesn’t have anything going for herself in the long run, you meet other girls.”

–       Mr. Two and a Half Years Together


“I don’t know, self confidence?”

–       Mr. D1 Athlete


“Guys get more praise by friends if they can get more girls.”

–       Mr. Peer Evaluation


“Another girl I had a crush on for some years caught me by surprise when she said the feeling was mutual. And it was my birthday.”

–       Mr. Would Be Celebrating 4 Year Anniversary


“She’s far away and all the girls want me where i’m at.”

–       Mr. 10 months together and Currently Long Distance


“Sometimes your girl just gets annoying.”

–       Mr. Easily Irritable


“If you see something better that you want for that moment and temptations run high and it just happens! It’s not intentionally, it just happens.”

–       Mr. 2 Years Together and Currently Long Distance


“When your girl isn’t giving you what you want or need, it just happens.”

–       Mr. Habitual Cheater


“Everyone does it.”

–       Mr. Monogamaphobic

Maddie is a senior Marketing major at UCF. When she's not writing for Her Campus or her personal blog, you can find her hanging out at Fashion Club or in OSI working on the Mr. and Miss UCF shows. Despite popular belief, Maddie isn't actually the tallest girl in the world. If you're wondering where you've seen her before, it was most likely at a #UCFBusiness event. Maddie enjoys loud pop music, scented candles, and any food with sprinkles on top. She often discusses the SNL cast as if it is a sports team, and likes to pretend that this is endearing. Follow Maddie on Instagram and Twitter!