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15 Things You Should Know About Sororities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

1. You get what you put in – this is, by far, the most important thing I tell people when they ask about my sorority. If you take advantage of all the cool things you’re paying (!) for, being a member of a sorority is probably one of the strangest, coolest experiences in the world. Why wouldn’t you want to spend a Thursday night downtown, dressed up like a tacky tourist with an unusual amount of boob? When would you ever be able to do that, in any other context?


2. Not everyone is meant for the elegant life of having letters on your car. I make too many illegal right turns to consistently represent my organization well. Admitting your weaknesses is the first step.

3. Coolers are awful. They’re just the absolute worst. They take just a little bit over the amount of time required to maintain my interest. The cooler-painting process follows almost the exact timeline of a really long road trip – exciting in the beginning, miserable in the middle, sleep-deprived, angry and totally rewarding in the end.


4. Boys are really mean. But nothing they say ever actually matters, in the long run.

5. Boys are also really, really great – probably one of my favorite parts about Greek life in general. They’re ridiculous and hilarious and finding a group of guys that you get along with with can make your overall Greek experience so much more rewarding. But, be warned that if you’re really good friends with them, you will probably get tricked into painting more random things like banners and tables and stuff. I still have no idea why knowing fraternity guys requires so many trips to Michael’s, but you learn to live with it. 

6. Greek gossip really, really, really doesn’t matter. You know how sometimes you cringe when you think about how hierarchical you thought the world was in middle school? That’s how you’re going to feel one day about, like, this entire experience.

7. If you wear an article of clothing on enough socials or grab-a-dates, it will stop feeling like something you can acceptably wear in public. I have ruined red flannels for myself forever.

8. You’re never going to wake up one day and think about the sorority you listed first on preference night. Grow where you are planted.

9. Coming up with plans and ideas is wonderful, until you’re the person that has to implement them. Cut your exec board some slack. This isn’t an ABC Family sitcom; they’re probably not all out to get you.

10. Think of the last person you’d ever think you’d be friends with in high school. She’ll probably be your best friend.

11. Every girl says, “I never thought I’d be in a sorority!” I’m convinced we just say it to seem normal now, the same way I say I “deleted Tinder” and “don’t really eat that much cheese.”

12. When someone asks to raid your closet before a white trash party, it is not exactly a compliment.

13. First impressions aren’t everything. The very first thing my friend Covanni ever said to me in real life was, “Are you wearing two bras?” I thought she was awful. Turns out, she just works at Victoria’s Secret and has a slight attitude problem, and now I love her.

(Pictured: Covanni, who is basically like my tiny, unintimidating dance mom)

14. The Snapchat-in-chapter game is a very delicate one, to be handled only by those with nimble fingers and no fear of double chins. Tread lightly.

15. Sometimes, your house isn’t going to feel like home. You’re going to feel left-out, or lost, or absolutely ready to let it all go – and then, when you’re least expecting it, you’re going to get the same fuzzy feeling you had the day you fell in love with your chapter. Hold onto that feeling. It will carry you through.

UCF Contributor