The college library is a place for pulling all-nighters, cramming for midterms and meeting with your group the night before that group project is due. It is the watering hole of the college campus, where all sorts of species come and interact. Despite the noise restrictions, you never know who or what you will see when you enter the library and so it is imperative that every girl comes prepared. It would be great if while at the library, all of our cognitive efforts went towards our studies, but unfortunately this is not the case. Us girls have much to worry about when studying.
1.    It’s cold in here, I am kind of regretting wearing these spandex.
2.    Who are we kidding; I’m not regretting wearing these spandex.
3.    Where should I sit? I wonder if any of my friends are in here.
4.    Damnitt. I should have texted my friends to see if they were in here.
5.    I’ll just go up to the next floor and look for an empty table.
6.    People are staring at me.
7.    Pretend like you know where you are going to sit. Just keep walking idiot and you’ll find an empty table.
8.    Oh my god, there’s literally no empty tables in here. People are defiantly watching me. Just pretend to be texting someone that’ll make it less awkward
9.    Close one. Even got a table with an outlet!
10. Okay I’ve gotten the table that’s the worst part. Now what do I need to do first?
11.  I’m going to make a To Do list. I’m going to get so much done.
12.  Okay if I get through this entire list I’m allowed to go out tonight
13. Should I check Party Tutor? No stupid start your homework.
14. Did I meet that kid who just walked by last night? I swear I did, he told me his name was Jason or Andrew… I bet I could find him on Facebook
15.  Wow I have so much to do. I’m never going to get through this list
16. Â Should I change my major?
17.  I have to go pee. Who’s going to watch my stuff? This is why I don’t come to the library.
18.  Maybe I could ask that kid sitting at the table behind me. He doesn’t look that sketchy.
19.  I’ll just go on Facebook for like 15 minuets and then I’ll start that list.
20.  I’m going to leave and go to Starbucks. I’ll get so much more done there.