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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.


The 2013 Oscar host Seth MacFarlane left a lot to be desired for many. Social media icon Perez Hilton made his voice heard in response to Seth’s poor introduction when he tweeted:

“I will never have those 17 minutes of my life back! And I will never want to relive them, @SethMacFarlane! #Oscars”


The Big Ones:

Best Actor In A Supporting Role-

            Alan Arkin/Argo

            Robert De Niro/Silver Linings Playbook

            Philip Seymour Hoffman/The Master

            Tommy Lee Jones/Lincoln

            Christoph Waltz/Django Unchained


Best Actress In A Supporting Role-

            Amy Adams/The Master

            Sally Field/Lincoln

            Anne Hathaway/Les Miserables  (GREAT ACCEPTANCE SPEECH)

            Helen Hunt/The Sessions

            Jackie Weaver/Silver Linings Playbook


Adapted Screenplay-


            Beasts of the Southern Wild

            Life of Pi


            Silver Linings Playbook


Leading Actress-

            Jessica Chastain/Zero Dark Thirty

            Jennifer Lawrence/ Silver Linings Playbook

            Emmanuelle Riva/Amour

            Quvenzhané Wallis/Beasts of the Southern Wild

            Naomi Watts/The Impossible


Leading Actor-

            Bradley Cooper/Silver Linings Playbook

            Daniel Day-Lewis/Lincoln

            Hugh Jackman/Les Mis

           Joaquin Phoenix/The Master

            Denzel Washington/Flight


Best Picture-

            Le Mis

            Life of Pi

            Beasts of the Southern Wild



            Zero Dark Thirty

            Silver Linings Playbook

            Django Unchained



Notable Moments from the Oscars

Dame Shirley Bassey sang “Goldfinger” for the first time in 50 years for 007.

A beautiful standing ovation for Jennifer Hudson’s spectacular performance.

Sound of Music’s Christopher Plummer introduced the nominees for the Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role.

Barbra Streisand’s grand performance.

Michelle Obama’s presents the winner for Best Picture with Jack Nicholson.

Nina DeSarro is a senior at the University of Central Florida, pursuing a degree in Communication with a minor in Magazine Journalism and Sociology. She is the Assistant Editorial Director for UCF's HC chapter, and has been an avid Feature writer since her freshman year. Within her varied group of friends, she’s known as their “relationship guru,” specializing in the male/female dynamics. She is also an active member and former finance chair for her sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi. In addition to being an avid writer, she can usually be found “plugged-in” with Dave Matthews Band streaming. Her ideal world is filled with Cosmo magazines, Vanilla Lattes, Sex and the City, Louboutin’s, and anything glittery. Her goals include, living and working somewhere in the North East for a television or magazine agency. 
UCF Contributor