As a college freshman, sometimes it’s hard to find your place. Usually that means finding your major or what kind of club interests you, but I had no problem with those transitions to college life. Before day one, I had already declared my major and knew which club I was going to be a part of. I struggled with finding my favorite place on campus to just sit and study and relax. I have always lived off-campus, but I would often find myself needing to stay on campus for a few extra hours. Sometimes I felt like I was walking around aimlessly not knowing where to go. Eventually I would go home, feeling tired and just happy to be in bed. It took me a few months before I found the places I felt most comfortable and productive. Here are my favorite places on campus.
The Visual Arts Building – I’ve spent countless early mornings and incredibly late nights in this building, but even if I’m not working inside a studio or drawing, I like to study on the second floor or the outdoor patio and stairs.
Burnett Honors College –This space next to the Honors College is beautiful. On days when it’s not 1000 ºF, it’s nice to sit outside.
Teaching Academy – The windows that make up the walls of the TA are nice because I’ve felt that a lot of other study spaces feel very stuffy and closed off. The natural light and comfy chairs make studying easy.
John C. Hitt Library – Being surrounded by books is always a positive, and how could you not love this window piece?
Pop Parlour – Great coffee and a welcoming environment. I’m also always a fan of supporting local business owners, so make sure to stop by!