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5 Festive Holiday Party Themes That Will Jingle Your Bells

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

December is just around the corner, and the holiday spirit is growing within each one of us: decking the halls, decorations, hot cocoa and spending time with those you love. Being in college, the spirit of the holidays might begin before your finals drain you and you find your way back home for family time. Having parties and get-togethers with your friends is a great way to welcome these cheerful energies while dealing with the ending of this long, but depressingly slow semester. One thing every great party needs is a great theme! Outside of the formal white elephant and typical Christmas party themes, there a couple of themes I have come across and attended that made my Christmas spirit grow. 

Christmas in July 

This one has been done plenty of times, but in my opinion it’s rarely done to the fullest potential that can come from a Christmas in July party. Personally, I think Christmas colors go great with summer — and I’m not talking snow and palm trees, not green and red. Setting the mood for the theme will depend on how you plan to decorate and arrange the evening. Even better is dressing to match in either casual or formal attire. This is a popular selection for many events, especially here in Florida (and a great opportunity to mess around with fun drink ideas). 

Worst Present Party 

I know what you’re thinking: why would I want to throw a party or attend one where I am given a gift I hate and at the same time giving a crappy gift that I didn’t really want to pay for in the first place? Well, because of the holiday spirit, damn it! Also, I find that the “worst present” can be open for interpretation, “worst” being something ironic or a personalized joke gift. This is a fun bonding experience that lets you discover how people see you and you- them. 

Grinch-y Brunch 

This one has a special place in my heart because who doesn’t have a dream of being invited to one brunch party in their early adult years. But a Grinchy-brunch is even better! I can only imagine the green breakfast entrees. (If you have a Grinchy-brunch, send me an invite!)

BYOT: Bring Your Own Tradition 

What a wonderful way to marry together the lives we lead. Imagine a night where you enjoy your friends’ traditions while sharing yours with them. From food to actual memories, like stories and pictures, you can not only build a bond but learn something about your friends that you didn’t know about before. If I were to throw one soon, I would have decorations and activities to add to the fun and see what comes from it. My tradition would depend on the seasonal holiday because I have a good amount I could distribute throughout the year. 

Christmas Murder Mystery Party 

I know, you’re probably wondering, “Why this one?” but I have a great explanation for why this theme will steal the icing off the Christmas party cake. You will be known for throwing the most entertaining party of the year, especially if you invite your artist friends to attend. Imagine this: walking into the location of the party and filling one hand with a drink as the other dips into a bowl where you pick a folded paper with your character and your place in this game tonight. Instructions are based on host and you never can predict the possible outcome of the game. 

There are more than five kinds of parties out there that an amazing host can turn into the party of the year. However, these five themes are a great start!

Images: 12, 3, 4, 5, 6 

Kila Lambertt is a current junior at the university of Central Florida, is going into her second year of being a member of Her Campus Community. She has loved growing her writing through this website and hopes to continue in writing as well as Performing Arts. She is a BFA Major for the Acting Track at UCF.
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