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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

The 2000s were a weird time. From hearing “Hi, Billy Mays here” to wondering how many licks it would take to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop, sometimes it’s hard to believe the TV commercials I watched growing up were real. It was a decade full of wild and wacky products with equally mind-boggling commercials. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at eight TV commercials from the 2000s that you’ll realize you never truly forgot.

Zoo Pals (2003)


Not only did my mom buy me Zoo Pals, but she also bought the matching Zoo Pals Funtensils. I was a spoiled child, to say the least. I don’t know what it was about a cute animal plate with little compartments that made eating so much better, but Zoo Pals definitely changed the game.

Floam (2005)

Floam walked so slime could run. 

Chef Boyardee (2007)

As someone whose mother refused to let her indulge in Chef Boyardee, I could only hope this delicious canned pasta would roll off the grocery store shelf and follow me home. Sadly, none of us were as lucky as the girl in the commercial.

Chia Pets (2007)

The fact that Chia Pets can still be purchased in stores is a feat in and of itself. From Bob Ross to Scooby-Doo, the brand really covered all of its bases. Also, I think it’s important that we don’t forget the Barack Obama Chia Pet. Yes, that was a thing. 

Shamwow (2007)


Billy Mays’ ultimate infomercial rival, Vince Offer with the Shamwow. Unfortunately for Vince Offer, I had a Shamwow growing up, and they worked just as well as a regular dish towel would have. All I can say is ShamWOW, that was so disappointing. 

Shirley Temple DVD Collection (2008)

Did I know who Shirley Temple was when I was 8 years old? No. Did I admire her work and respect her as a young artist solely based on the contents of this TV commercial? Yes. Please know that somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind, the jingle to the Shirley Temple DVD collection commercial is playing on a loop. 

Bendaroos (2009)

Ah yes, Bendaroos. Another one of the many “As Seen on TV” products that my parents would never buy. In hindsight, I don’t blame them. If we’re being honest, these are just glorified, sticky pipe cleaners, but look at how much fun those kids are having.

Education Connection (2009)

I’m convinced no one watched this commercial because they were desperate to connect with a college for free, but rather because this song was their jam. If this song was actually released, we all know it would have topped The Billboard Hot 100. Just saying. 

By no means is this a complete and comprehensive list of the iconic commercials that graced our televisions throughout the 2000s, but it’s a start. It may be weird to think that something like TV commercials could significantly influence a person’s childhood, but these certainly come close. As part of a generation that’s often mocked for being so disconnected, I have to say that these commercials are something — although an odd something — that connects us all.

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Eda is a senior at the University of Central Florida majoring in Advertising and Public Relations. She spends her time like any other 21 year old girl would—eating good food, petting stray cats, and advocating for the Oxford comma. Seriously, you should use it. She aspires to travel the world one day and loves artists like BTS, Harry Styles, and Rex Orange County.
UCF Contributor