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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Even if you love school, it’s not uncommon to feel burnt out every now and then — especially given today’s virtual modality of learning. Looking at a screen for eight hours a day and staying in the same environment gets very dull very fast (believe me, I know), making it easy to feel overwhelmed.

The pressure of finals, especially when mixed in with the holiday season, can be a disastrous combination leading to stress and exhaustion. If you’re experiencing a high degree of stress, and symptoms such as increased irritability, loss of appetite, fatigue and impaired concentration, there’s a chance you may be going through a period of burnout.  If that’s the case, try refueling your engine using these strategies.


Find a routine that works for you

Lack of productivity and poor performance on work are some of the tell-tale signs of burnout. Being stressed and overwhelmed can make it difficult to focus, so try to find a routine that works best for you. If you find that you get distracted easily, try segmenting your priorities for maximum efficiency (45 minutes of schoolwork, 15-minute break, repeat). 


There are so many benefits of getting exercise on a routine basis. If you’re comfortable going outside, put on a mask and take a walk at your nearest park. If you’d rather stay home, there are plenty of yoga videos you can check out on YouTube! Some of my favorites include MadFit and Yoga with Adrienne. 

Practice Good Sleeping Habits

Initially, it might seem wise to pull an all-nighter in an attempt to study for an exam. Let’s be honest though, each time you pull an all-nighter the same thing happens — you get distracted, you get tired and you don’t retain any information. If you don’t know the material eight hours before your exam, the chances are high that cramming will do you more harm than good.  Instead, get a good night’s sleep, eat a good breakfast and trust your preparation! 

Go Unplugged

I love my phone as much as the next person, but it also happens to be my biggest distraction. There have been way too many times when I’ve given myself 10 minutes to spend on social media, only for it to have actually turned into three hours. By turning off your phone and going unplugged for a few hours, you’re able to increase your productivity by eliminating meaningless distractions around you. If you’re worried that you’ll miss out on important notifications, try turning on “Do Not Disturb” apart from close friends and family. 

Burnout is real, and it’s important to be able to identify its signs and understand how to overcome it. Things may seem stressful, but you’ve made it this far in the semester, and that’s a major accomplishment in and of itself. Over these next few weeks, make sure to prioritize your health, put your wellness first, and slay those finals — you got this!

Emma is a senior at the University of Central Florida studying Anthropology and History. When she's not writing articles, she enjoys long-distance running, iced chai tea lattes , and advocating for students as a Senator for Student Government.
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