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Campus Cutie: Tyler Yeargain

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Say “hey” to our Campus Cutie this week, Tyler Yeargain. This over-achieving stud is a Senior at UCF and one of the best conversationalists we have ever known. Not only is he a master of texting back immediately, he also enjoys actually calling people on the phone (I know, what a time to be alive). With incredible aspirations to work in the political arena, Tyler is the liberal Tinder-ella of your dreams!

Name: Tyler Yeargain

Age: 21

Major: Political Science

Hometown: Oviedo, Florida

Relationship status: On Tinder

Campus involvement?

Currently, I am the Legislative Affairs Coordinator for the Student Government Association. During the spring semester, I represented the College of Sciences in the Senate. I also am in my second year of serving as a Team Leader for Honors Symposium in the Burnett Honors College, and serve as a teaching assistant for Judicial Process and Politics.


Staying up-to-date on current events, blogging about elections and politics, and watching Netflix.

Favorite food?

Anything at Ethos.

Favorite movie?

To be honest, probably Clue. (Editor’s note: Clue is one of those movies that you love to hate, if you’re looking to waste your life, watch Clue)

Favorite TV show?

That’s a difficult question. Probably Parks and Recreation or Arrested Development. 

Favorite book?

I Am America (And So Can You!) by Stephen Colbert.

Favorite song/current jam?

Honestly, I really just listen to songs on repeat until I’m tired of them, and then throw them in a Spotify playlist. Right now, I really like “Renegades” by X Ambassadors. But that’ll change in the next few months.

Who is your role model?

Probably Elizabeth Warren. But Cait Zona and Meghan Kircher are pretty high up on the list of role models, too.

Goals for the future?

I recently applied for a Fulbright scholarship to serve as an English Teaching Assistant in Moldova, and I am in the process of applying to law schools.

If you could be friends with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Honestly, Joe Biden. I feel like he has some really cool stories and he knows how to have a good time. Plus, how cool would it would it be to just roll up to Chipotle with Joe Biden?

Who is your celebrity crush and why?

Bill Clinton. I mean, have you heard the man talk?

Fun fact?

I spoke at my high school graduation, and compared our high school experience to Rebecca Black’s “Friday.”

Describe your perfect date.

Going to Light Up UCF, which is being organized by the beautiful and talented Gulreen Kassoo, would be a really good idea for a date.

What is your biggest deal breaker in a relationship?

Her being a Republican.

What is the most romantic gesture you have ever done for someone?

When I was in a long-distance relationship with someone who was attending the University of Alabama, I took a flight up to see her on Valentine’s Day.

Relationship advice?

If I had any solid advice, I would use it myself.

RT Tyler, RT. Thanks so much!

Zoe is a junior at UCF studying Radio and Television with a minor in Business while she waits for her long lost grandmother to tell her she is actually the Princess of Genovia. She loves musicals, photography, waterskiing, and tricking people into thinking she is well rounded. In her spare time, you can find her speed walking around campus attempting to dodge as many longboards as possible. Follow her on Instagram or Twitter @causeimazoe if you're interested in learning about her oh so advenurous life.
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