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Four Tips For Surviving The Last Month Of The Spring Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

If there are two things that Spring Break has made me realize, it’s that I should start wearing more sunscreen when I go to the beach and that this semester is quickly coming to a close.

We all know what that means…it’s about to get very busy. Between the impending final projects and papers culminating in the dreaded finals week packed full of exams, these last few weeks are arguably some of the most stressful of the semester.

In mentally preparing myself for what is sure to be an anxiety-inducing April, I compiled a list of things to keep in mind while navigating this final stretch. I thought I’d share these tips to hopefully help anyone desperate for some coping mechanisms to help them get through this last month.

Take care of yourself

When faced with the chaos of the last few weeks of a semester, the most important thing to remember is to take care of yourself. It can be really difficult with so many other things on your mind, but self-care is vital and often gets neglected during this time especially.

This includes taking care of yourself physically, like ensuring you’re getting enough sleep, water, and food, despite how busy you will be. Studies show that it’s important to get at least seven hours of sleep during a high-pressure, high-demand time like exam season. It’s hard to make time for these basic things between the late nights, early mornings, and overwhelmingly busy days, but they’re essential.

It’s also important to do small things that you consider self-care. For me, this means taking my therapeutic everything shower at least twice a week and maintaining my daily skincare routine to feel put together. It also includes going to the gym in the mornings to start my day feeling stress-free, collected, and energized. Find things you know are good for your mental health and make time for them.

You’ll find that when you prioritize taking care of yourself, even when you feel like you don’t have the time, your performance during finals season will be significantly better. Not only will you have more energy and feel more prepared to handle everything that needs to be done, but you’ll also feel less stressed and be able to maintain a better state of mind throughout the entire process.


This goes hand-in-hand with taking care of yourself. Despite the intensely busy nature of finals season, it is important to maintain a balance in your life.

This means you need to make sure you’re not ignoring other areas of your life to completely focus on your academics. While it may be the one that needs the most attention at the moment, it’s important not to let it consume you and to still acknowledge other aspects of your life.

Make sure you’re leaving time and energy to devote to your job or internship if you have one. Your other responsibilities will most likely also require your attention during this time, so you want to avoid running out of mental stamina when it comes time to clock in.

The impact your social life has on your performance during exam season is not to be taken for granted either. It’s important that you’re still spending time with friends and family, even if it’s just a group study session, a phone call on your way home, or a shared meal. Doing so will make you feel less isolated and surrounding yourself with support will keep you motivated.

Designate time to take breaks from your studies and to allow yourself to step back and breathe. Find things that help you relax and then make time for them so you can feel refreshed when it’s time to return to your desk.

stay organized

Another important consideration during this time of the semester is staying organized. Remember that planning ahead and being prepared is a form of self-care.

This might mean keeping a planner, using a digital calendar, or both! It also may include writing down a to-do list of all of your assignments or structuring a schedule for when you will complete certain tasks. Whichever method you choose to stay organized, it’s important to lay everything out so you can stay on top of things and not fall behind.

While it’s important to be gentle with yourself and prioritize your mental health, sometimes you need to be disciplined when it comes to how you approach your work. Set goals for yourself and try your best to meet them each day. Set some boundaries, too. Be efficient with your time and try to waste as little as possible. This means limiting your unnecessary screen time and being productive, even when you don’t want to.

And do not leave everything until the last minute.

Organization is not only important in terms of assignments and studying, but it’s also good to implement it in other areas. I always find that I feel more composed and collected when I make my bed in the mornings and keep my space clean. While this might not be the same for everyone, it gives me a sense of comfort to know that my room is in order, even though the rest of my life feels out of control. Make an effort to try to do something small each day to organize your space and to find a sense of stability amidst the chaos.

REMEMBER what you’re working towards

The last thing that will help you succeed during finals season is to keep things in perspective and remember why you started. You have come so far this semester, so finish strong and don’t give up now!

Take it one day at a time and approach your seemingly never-ending list of assignments the same way. It may appear like no end in sight, but I promise there is. Keep yourself motivated by giving yourself something to look forward to. This might mean buying a coffee to boost your productivity and make studying worth it or watching your favorite show to reward yourself after a long day.

Don’t forget the most obvious thing to look forward to: it’s almost the end of the semester! Finals week is the final week. After that, it’s over.

And guess what comes next? Summer.

Even if you’re planning on taking summer classes, or have a summer job or internship, you’ll undoubtedly have more time for resting and relaxation. There is also something immensely better about being able to study by the pool or taking a beach trip with your friends once you get off work. Just think, after you submit that last assignment, you can start working on that summer playlist to play at full blast in your car as you ride with the windows down.

Hopefully, these tips have helped ease your mind to some extent about finals season or have at least given you some ideas to help manage your stress and navigate this dreaded time. While it can be very difficult, this time of the semester passes significantly better when you prioritize these things, especially taking care of yourself.

Remember that this is the final stretch. Just a few more weeks and then we’re done. You got this.

Good luck everyone!

Kendal is a junior at the University of Central Florida, majoring in journalism, with an additional degree in English literature and a certificate in editing and publishing. She is editor-in-chief of Her Campus UCF, and has previously been a staff writer and associate editor for her chapter. Kendal has a passion for writing and reporting. More of her work can be found on her official Instagram account @wordsbykendal. She also loves to write creative pieces about art and music (along with anything relating to love).