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A Girls Guide To Birth Control

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

So you and your significant man-friend have started doin’ the dirty.

First things first: CONGRATULATIONS. In all seriousness, having sex can be spectacular…if done correctly, that is.

Unfortunately, sex is complicated. It’s not just an in-and-out ordeal. Pun intended.

There’s a lump sum of technicalities that follow in sex’s footsteps.

So you’re in luck because I’ve compiled a beginners guide to the logistics of sex, otherwise known as BIRTH CONTROL

Numero Uno: THE PULLOUT METHOD IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sorry, girlfriend. Just because you ”think” that your man has retreated from you just in time for his orgasm, doesn’t mean that he hasn’t left you with some surprise pre-ejaculation presents.

It happens a lot, so just by thinking that you’re home free, you may not be.

Why even try and run the risk?

Numero Dos: CONDOMS ARE NOT FOOL PROOF. While they generally do prevent pregnancy, they are not always invincible.  If the two of you are typically the kinds of people that can’t wait until class is over to jump each other’s bones, then I can only imagine the kind of sex the two of you have. Therefore, by solely using condoms as your primary form of birth control, you could be in for a very rude awakening.

Numero Tres: The Pill or Mini Pill

Since 1960, women have been trusting their bodies with “the pill” in order to prevent pregnancy. There’s a reason why these little peanut shaped miracles have been around for so long. It works, if used correctly.  The difference between the pill and mini pill is the amount of estrogen in the two, with the mini pill containing less hormonal ingredients than the regular pill.  They are both, just as effective.

Numero Cuatro: Patches or Shots

Another very effective option is the use of a birth control patch or taking a shot every 3 months. These two alternatives are just as effective as the pill, however are used less frequently and contain a higher level of hormones.

Numero Cinco: Birth Control Ring

NuvaRing is a small, flexible ring that is about two inches wide. It releases a continuous low dose of hormones to prevent pregnancy. The ring is placed in the vagina for 3 weeks and is removed for one week. After a week without a ring, a new NuvaRing is inserted.

Numero Seis: IUD

This option is definitely used less frequently because of its cost and more invasive procedure, however it is still effective. This device is inserted into your uterus by your health care professional and can prevent pregnancy for up to 12 years.

Remember, none of these methods are 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy, however, when used correctly these are some of the safest and more reliable approaches to prevent an unexpected pregnancy.


When trying to decide which birth control option is right for you, please remember, not all bodies are created equally and just because one method may be less expensive than the other, doesn’t mean that your body will accept the newly acquired alternative. Be sure to check with your health care provider to determine which choice is best for your body.

**I would still recommend using a condom as an additional form of protection along with the use of the pill, patch etc. It never hurts to be too safe!

No glove, no love girls!

Nina DeSarro is a senior at the University of Central Florida, pursuing a degree in Communication with a minor in Magazine Journalism and Sociology. She is the Assistant Editorial Director for UCF's HC chapter, and has been an avid Feature writer since her freshman year. Within her varied group of friends, she’s known as their “relationship guru,” specializing in the male/female dynamics. She is also an active member and former finance chair for her sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi. In addition to being an avid writer, she can usually be found “plugged-in” with Dave Matthews Band streaming. Her ideal world is filled with Cosmo magazines, Vanilla Lattes, Sex and the City, Louboutin’s, and anything glittery. Her goals include, living and working somewhere in the North East for a television or magazine agency. 
UCF Contributor