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Her Campus Celebrity: Taylor Dante

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Her Campus Celebrity: Taylor Dante

Meet Her Campus UCF Events Director, Taylor Dante. Taylor has been a member of UCF’s Her Campus chapter for her entire college career, giving her a long resume not only with us, but also in various other organizations on campus. She is incredibly dedicated to her work and has been a brand ambassador for virtually everything under the sun. Here’s a little bit more about Taylor and a little advice she has to give you lucky underclassmen. 

Year? Major?

Senior, Event Management


Miami, Florida

Describe yourself in three words.

Passionate, ambitious, and silly :D

What involvement have you had during your time at UCF?

I am involved in Kappa Delta sorority where I have served as Shamrock Chair, Formal Chair, and been on bid day committee every year among many other things. I am also involved in NACE, several honors societies, and way to many brand ambassador programs to count. I got involved in brand ambassador programs my freshman year and have been hooked ever since. Throughout my college experience I have promoted companies such as Google, ASOS, Vince Camuto, Campus Jobs, and T-Mobile.

How and when did you get involved with Her Campus UCF?

I don’t remember how I first heard about Her Campus but I know I can confidently say that I am so happy I did. I first joined my freshman year and four years later here I am! Throughout my time I had the pleasure of being Secretary, Sorority Liaison, and Events Director.

What are your plans for after graduation?

Honestly, I am not completely sure but I know I am excited for the future ahead of me. I am hoping to move back down to Miami and start working for an elite event company (so if anyone is hiring pick me pick me)!

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Ten years from now I see myself being happy and successful working in a career that I love with a family I adore.

What is your dream job?

When I first came to college I had a totally different idea about what I thought my dream job was, but after four years I think I have figured it out. Ideally I would love to work for a major branding company such as one of the companies I was a brand ambassador for and be their go-to event planner.

Favorite Her Campus UCF memory?

Looking back I have loved every Her Campus memory, especially all the events we have put together over the years. But if I had to pick a favorite I would say when College Fashion Week came to UCF. It was such an exciting time for everyone on the Her Campus team to not only put together an unbelievable event for UCF but to showcase ourselves to our school.

Do you have any advice for underclassmen?

Just to enjoy every moment and every experience that comes your way! Cherish it all because it does go by way too fast. 

Zoe is a junior at UCF studying Radio and Television with a minor in Business while she waits for her long lost grandmother to tell her she is actually the Princess of Genovia. She loves musicals, photography, waterskiing, and tricking people into thinking she is well rounded. In her spare time, you can find her speed walking around campus attempting to dodge as many longboards as possible. Follow her on Instagram or Twitter @causeimazoe if you're interested in learning about her oh so advenurous life.
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