We have all been out and about, minding our own business, when we see a Five holding hands with a Ten and wonder how in the world that happened. Don’t act like you have never done that, because you have. Since this seems to be such a reccurring experience in my life, I began to notice some commonalities between all the Fives—for the most part, they all had bad makeup.
Now I know what you’re thinking—it’s what’s on the inside that matters. Yes, that may be true, but come on ladies, gentlemen and all those individuals in between: what’s on the outside should matter somewhat, too! Take pride in your appearance, because everyone is beautiful, just in different ways!
With that said, some of us have more artistic abilities (when it comes to make up, at least) than others, but it seems that those who don’t have such abilities make up for it by having something else that we don’t…significant others. That’s not saying that you, the reader, who possibly has phenomenal makeup abilities and an artistic eye, doesn’t have a significant other (or others), but it just seems that more individuals without said makeup abilities tend to be without a significant other (or others).      Â
If you are one of those individuals that wish to get off of Single Island, then welcome aboard! The way I see it is if we can take the signature, not-so-good black smokey eye that these Fives tend to be sporting and make it a masterpiece, then we will be getting drinks left and right and possibly turn a Five into a Ten (since everyone has the potential)! So join me as I teach you how to do one of the many proper black smokey eyes and get your fine behind a man, woman or gender non-conforming individual!