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How to Survive Being Vegetarian in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Whether you’re a hard core vegetarian, or someone who wants to find out what Tofu actually tastes like, going meatless isn’t always easy.  Especially, when you’re in college, it seems like every meal option contains some animal product or meat within it. 

I remember during my freshman year of college, I was on the school meal plan and I struggled daily trying to find ways around the constant meat heavy items. Though the meal plan did have vegan and some vegetarian options, I still found it hard not eating the same meals everyday. However, through trial and error I have come up with some awesome tips for anyone looking to go meatless while also attending college. 

Tip #1: Don’t be afraid to ask about the ingredients!

This tip applies to any vegetarian, whether you have a meal plan or not! I personally try not to eat foods with chicken or beef broth in them, and many soups and sauces may contain either. I also try not to eat foods cooked in the fats of animals and unfortunately, a lot of fried food is prepared with it. If you’re ever unsure about what is in your food, make sure to ask the waiter, cook, or do some research on your own. When it comes to certain foods, it is better to ask than to just assume. For instance, one of my favorite soups from Panera was the broccoli cheddar, but I recently found out that they cook it with chicken broth instead of vegetable. Of course I was devastated, but I found out their autumn squash and tomato soup is completely vegetarian so now those are my new go to items. Of course, if you’re not a stickler about chicken or beef broth, it still wouldn’t hurt to make sure the salad or pasta you’re about to order doesn’t come with meat. Trust me, I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve ordered a pasta dish without meat, and they brought it out with meat on top. 

Tip #2: Don’t be afraid to try new things!

I think it goes without saying that when you become vegetarian, you sometimes have to go out of your comfort zone with certain foods and meals. When I first stopped eating meat, I hated even the idea of tofu. For some reason, it always looked like an unflavored flattened marshmallow than an actual source of protein to me. However, one day a friend of mine made an amazing stir fry dish with tofu. To my surprise, it actually tasted pretty good! Now, it has become a definite staple in my fridge. Another awesome source of protein, that seems a little strange, is tempeh. Tempeh is similar to tofu but has a slightly different texture. It’s not only a great source of protein, but it has a lot of iron as well. I love to add it into pasta dishes or on top of salad, but honestly you could probably add it into any dish. There is also a plethora of meat alternative foods in the grocery store. I also use to be hesitant about eating meat replacement foods, and I thought there was no way they actually tasted like food. Once again, I was very wrong! Gardein is one of the best meat alternative brands on the market and personally one of my favorites! They have everything from crabless crab cakes to chickenless chicken tenders. It’s all made from plant protein and some of the products taste almost exactly like their meat counterpart. There are so many amazing things to try, and I advise anyone going meatless to step out of their comfort zone and give something new a taste! Also for anyone on a meal plan, don’t be afraid to try the vegan option meals they sometimes offer. Though they can get a little repetitive, some of them taste really good! They also might offer humus as an option on sandwiches so give that a try next time you stop in there for lunch or dinner. 

Tip #3: Taco Bell has a vegetarian menu!

Yes, you heard me correctly. Taco Bell has a menu on their website that tells you all of the items that are vegetarian and vegan friendly. They also let tell you on the menu if something may be cross contaminated with meat, and they advise which items are the best to order. As college students, fast food can sometimes seem like a godsend, especially during finals week when we don’t want to cook. It seemed like seldom any fast food places catered to vegetarians and the only thing we could eat was a salad. However, many fast food restaurants are getting the message and have come out with items or menus to give vegetarians options. For example: Burger King now offers a veggie burger with all of the toppings as their regular burgers, Wendy’s and Chick-fil-a fries are not cooked in beef fat, and P.F. Chang’s has a vegetarian menu as well. If maybe fast food isn’t your thing, but you still want access to vegetarian foods, try researching some recipes. I know PETA and Tasty Vegetarian have some awesome and easy recipes that look and taste great! P.S. For anyone who is vegan, Dominos offers a vegan crust pizza, you’re welcome.

As you can see, there are so many different things you can do to ensure a great vegetarian college experience. As long as you aren’t afraid to ask questions, do some research, and try new things, you won’t have to eat microwavable mac and cheese every night.