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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Recently, I decided I wanted to learn how to relax and combat my daily anxieties; as someone who tends to have a lot on their plate, I needed to learn how to calm down. I felt like my mind was always running! But how was I supposed to relax when class, work and clubs were always at the back of my mind? Here are four relaxation techniques I put to the test!

Write it down

The first thing on my relaxation list was journaling. If you’ve ever been on social media, you’ve probably seen plenty of videos that talk about the benefits of journaling and writing down your feelings. It doesn’t even have to be your feelings, though: you can write down anything to get it out of your head. I wrote down everything I had to do each day on a to-do list; it made me feel less anxious and I felt like I was able to let go of those anxieties by putting them on a page. As a bonus, I always know what I have to do for the day if I write it down. Less anxious and more organized? Sign me up!

Essential Oils

When I was researching countless articles on relaxation, essential oils came up and I wanted to put them to the test. I used them occasionally and chose my favorite blend of lavender to diffuse. If you’re going to use essential oils, you have to set the mood first: that means dimmed lights, quiet space and a calm mind. Let me tell you, I feel much more relaxed after using essential oils and I am able to fall asleep faster. All it takes are some deep breaths to inhale the lavender oil and my worries drift away. Real talk: diffusing essential oils won’t magically cure your anxieties but it can help for a little while.

Go outdoors

Nature is one of the most calming environments to be in when you’re stressed. I found that with my crazy schedule I never took the time to sit outside purposefully. Sure, I’ve studied outside, but that wasn’t the same as relaxing. I recommend setting aside time in your calendar to go outside. Whether you lay in the sun, meditate or hang out with friends, the outdoors can be a great relief from whatever has made you anxious.

Make time to do nothing

Most of the time, I feel guilty when I want to take a break; I feel like I have to be doing something all the time. I had to tell myself that isn’t the case and that taking breaks to do nothing is a good thing. Scheduling a bit of time to watch an episode of my favorite show and de-stress was the best thing I could have done! I felt much better and more recharged afterward. If you haven’t scheduled time to relax, do it! I promise you won’t regret it, and you’ll feel much less anxious afterward.

I hope you try out one of these relaxation techniques! It’s important to pause the chaos and take some time for yourself; I’m glad I did.

Jasmine Gregg is a senior at the University of Central Florida majoring in Marketing. Originally from New Jersey, she is enjoying the sun in Orlando! You may find her reading a good book(She's always looking for recommendations!), writing, or watching movies.