Dear College Freshman.
Congrats! You are in college. You may be finishing your first semester in college or about to begin your first in the spring. Wherever you are, let me tell you: these next four years are going to be great. They are going to be filled with friendship, adventure, risk, and much more. You just have to choose to accept the journey ahead and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves.
All this may seem daunting, trust me. As a soon-to-be college veteran, I understand the strange mix of fear and excitement that is welling in the pit of your stomach right now. It signals the beginning of a new chapter in your life story. It is being afraid and curious about the unknown. It is asking yourself, “what does this new chapter hold in store for me?”
It holds what you allow it to. You hold the deciding power on what the next four years look like. While some things may be out of your control, you choose to accept what comes your way. Choose wisely, but take risks. I feel at times I limited myself because of this image I had of myself. I would say “ I can’t do that” or “someone else will do it better.” But don’t sell yourself short. This is the time to take risks and to fail with minimal consequences. So don’t be afraid to scrap your knees a bit and collect a few scars along the way. It will serve as a memory for how far you have come.
Enjoy these four years. You won’t encounter anything quite like it in the future. Fall in love. Find your group of girlfriends. Network with your professors and local professionals. Learn to play the guitar. Become the person you have always known you can be. Don’t wait for tomorrow to come to be her. Be her today.
Take lots of pictures and keep your eyes on the prize, darling. You won’t regret the journey. All you’ll regret is if you don’t give it your all. So shine brightly and blind everyone on your path.
See you on the other side.
Wishing you the best,
College Senior