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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.


Meet Michael “Mike” Lebowitz. The super involved knight, a former SGA and CAB member, who decided to pack up his life here in Central Florida and move to California to pursue his dreams. The brave, witty senior is experiencing the opportunity of lifetime and giving us the inside scoop! Pay attention because one day you’ll see him on his very own show. Move over Jimmy Kimmel, here comes Mike Lebowitz!

Year? Major?

I am a senior studying Political Science.


I’m from Wellington, Florida.

How did you get the chance to intern for Shark Tank?Every year the Nicholson School of Communication opens an internship to only Nicholson students. That internship is coordinated through Clay Newbill, the  Executive Producer of Shark Tank, and it’s for about 2-3 students to be Production Assistants on the tv show Shark Tank out in Los Angeles, CA. It’s a really amazing opportunity and I’m very lucky to have been selected almost a year ago

What was your job description for your internship for Shark tank?

I was in charge of all of the applications that came in for this past season, Season 6, of the show. So out of approximately 35,000/40,000 applications I had to be aware of where any single application was. I also contacted Entrepreneurs if they were missing something, organized all the sample products, and helped out at an Open Call.

Were you nervous or scared to move all the way across the country?

I was both. I had about 2 months notice to find an apartment, change my whole schedule, rearrange my plans, and move across the country where I knew absolutely no one. It was challenging but it ended up being the most rewarding thing. I had to start my life from scratch here and I loved that opportunity. It was so amazing; such an unexpected wonderful opportunity.

What is the biggest difference between Florida and California?

Humidity, or lack there of here in California.

You decided to stay in California rather than move back after your internship, can you explain that decision process?

Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world, and I was in the thick of it. I had incredible opportunities around me (like a Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show package) that I felt I needed to stay. I was able to finish up my classes online and graduate early (December) so it just seemed like the right thing to do. I made the decision no more than two weeks after I was here. There is so much opportunity around me that I couldn’t say no.

What would you say is the most common misconception of working in “the biz”?

That everyone is mean. Everyone out here has been incredibly nice and welcoming to me. People have gone out of their way to explain things to me and get me to understand how everything works. Multiple Emmy winners have given me their time just to talk to me and give advice. That means the world to me. I’m so lucky to be out here and I’m soaking up every opportunity I get to learn more.

What advice would you give to anyone who has dreams of moving to LA to start their career?

I mean I’ve only been here for maybe 8 months so I don’t have a lot of knowledge. I would say that you need to know that every situation out here has an opportunity. There is always a chance to learn more, make new connections, and meet incredibly interesting people. If you are shy, then it will be a big challenge for you but if you know the right people you can make anything happen. Anything. And that is why I love being out here. The traffic sucks though. It’s worse than SNL warned you about.

One last question! Who are the top 3 celebs you would love to run into while you live in LA?

Zac Efron (already happened.) Ellen DeGeneres. Anddddd Amy Poehler

UCF Contributor
Catherine is a senior at UCF majoring in Advertising and Public Relations. Catherine enjoys painting, singing along with the radio, and sipping on chai lattes. In her spare time you can find her doodling on her hands with Sharpies, and watching Quentin Tarantino films. She loves fashion, interior design, penquins, and over-the-knee socks. Follow her on Twitter- for random thoughts about Publix and life- and Instagram -for pictures of her roommate's cat and some great looking food: @catienicoled