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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

When I first decided to do Miss UCF my last year of college, I was excited to have a chance to represent my favorite university. I was expecting late rehearsals, time with amazing women and an overall educational experience. Now that the pageant is over, I can truly say I experienced all of those things! However, I was not expecting to be asked the same question over and over again: “Are you going on a diet?”

I love the way I look. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Wow, Victoria, a little conceited, huh??” Hey now! That comment was made for a reason! I love the way I look, but I knew that I would question my confidence during the swimsuit section of the pageant. I mean, think about it! No matter what size you are, you’re on stage. In heels. IN A BIKINI! That can freak anyone out, and we’re basically superheroes because of that alone. But let me just say, we ROCKED it.

Basically, I made a promise to myself when I was accepted as a contestant for this pageant: I will not diet, and I will still be my healthy self!

Now, I don’t eat extremely unhealthy to begin with, but I still had ice cream and wine and margaritas and chips with salsa with my girls. And most importantly, I had bread and pasta. I still ate my favorite foods which include salads and healthy soups but also include greasy fries and unhealthy desserts. I lived my life as usual, because I wasn’t about to change the way I look because I was entering a pageant. If I were to go on a diet, it would be for me, not for judges who will look at me a total of two hours. 

After looking at pictures from the pageant, I love how my body looks. I have never been more proud of myself than when I decided to stick with my normal eating habits instead of starving myself for six months to lose a few pounds.


Let me just say that every BODY is beautiful whether you’re skinny, curvy or in-between. I can say with great certainty that various body types were represented on that pageant stage with confidence and health, and each woman looked AMAZING up on that stage. But if you have the chance to be you, and I mean all of you, WERK IT, GURL! Even it if is onstage in front of your peers.  



At the end of the day, I am proud of the women we represented on stage, and I am proud to have had the chance to be a contestant for this amazing university.


Thank you Central Florida Future: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3

Victoria is a senior studying Broadcast Journalism and minoring in Criminal Justice at UCF, and is also the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus UCF. When Victoria is not attending classes, you can find her and her giant hair (it's full of secrets) in the Student Union pretending to study, but actually watching Criminal Minds on Netflix. Her dreams include holding a puppy for three days straight, and marrying Jimmy Fallon on the stage of Saturday Night Live. If you see Victoria around campus and she hasn't quoted Beyonce three times, run because you have found an imposter! This lovely Italian lives for Beyonce quotes (ladies, tell 'em) and fashionable boots. If you like cheesy jokes, cute pics of animals dressed like humans, or embarrassing stories of her life, you should follow her on Twitter @imunprevictable, or her step-by-step blog on Tumblr on how to survive college! *Does Single Ladies dance out of room*
UCF Contributor