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An Open Letter to My Incoming Random Roommate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Dear incoming roommate,

Life has this way of throwing us curveballs every once in a while – and I’ve never been very good at baseball. We’re halfway through the official school year, and two weeks to the beginning of the semester I was told by my now-ex roommate that she would not be coming back for the new term and that instead, you would be joining me. We had made all these plans together that were all shattered with one text message.

That was strike one for me. I definitely did not see that ball coming.

Stepping back up to bat, I couldn’t help but feel a little shaky. If there’s anything you should know about me before you arrive, it’s that I’ve never been one for going out of my comfort zone. That’s why I was so thankful when my best friend was able to join me as my roommate for (what I thought would be) my first year of college and hopefully even longer. Now I’m here, having to accept the fact that someone I’ve never met before in my entire life is going to be sharing the same room with me for the next few months. My emotions were everywhere the days leading up to move-in day – anger, sadness, tenseness… you name it, and I felt it.

Strike two came on my way back to school that day, when I was too blind by my emotional thoughts and worries to focus on the game that was still happening.

I managed to arrive before you did. The first few nights went by and you still weren’t here; they told me to be expecting someone soon, so I knew you’d eventually be showing up still. I was happy to have had those first few nights to myself to get adjusted to the idea that you would be joining me, because I clearly was still a bit distraught over the idea. And as the days went by, I realized that you joining me would only be as bad as I made it seem. My nerves turned to excitement, and now I’m actually looking forward to meeting you. I turned my sadness for the fact that my best friend was leaving me and someone I had never met before would be replacing her into an opportunity, a chance to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself.

I hit my home run when I had this realization.

If there’s anything for you to take out of this, it’s that I want you to feel comfortable and definitely not as nervous as I was (and that I clearly enjoy making comparisons with the things I write and say, a.k.a. the baseball thing this letter has got going on). I’ll be here for you from the day you arrive until the day you leave, whether we end up getting along or not. Actually, scratch that – we will get along, and that’s whether you decide to even speak to me or not. I would hope you won’t be ignorant to the idea of getting to know myself and additionally our roommates next door. They made great additions to my life, and I know they can make amazing additions to yours as well. We’re like family around here, and we’re welcoming to anyone who is willing to take a chance with us. Expect many movie days and midnight Target runs if you decide to join our little group.

This situation overall is what was meant to happen for me, and for you as well. I don’t know what your story with ending up here is, but I hope you’ll let me hear it. You have the chance to change my life the same way our other roommates did. It took me longer than it should have to realize that this is an opportunity, and now that I’m seeing it as that, I have a very optimistic attitude. There is so much potential to this, and I couldn’t be more excited. I can’t wait to get to know you and see how both our stories continue. Bottom line, I just hope you’ll be here to celebrate this home run with me and that there will be many more to come.


That girl you’re being forced to spend the semester with.

Photo credit: Image 

Hailey is a junior here at the University of Central Florida, currently majoring in Human Communication and double minoring in Business and Leadership Studies. She is also a dedicated sister of Gamma Phi Beta. When she's not writing for Her Campus or her own personal blog, you can find her hanging out with other members of her sorority at philanthropy events and socials, singing her heart out at local concerts, or taking silly pictures with her best friends on rides at Disney World or Universal. Hailey enjoys ordering cookies and Chinese food at midnight, running in local 5K's, and cheering on her Knights at football games. Follow Hailey on Twitter and Instagram for updates on her articles and life!
UCF Contributor